سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Come-

"come across" 
1/   To find something by chance
 تكتشف أو تجد شيئ ما بالصدفة
EX:   I was organizing my closet and I came across my favorite football jersey.
2/   How you perceive someone or your opinion of a person
إنطباعك حول شخص ما
EX:  When I talk with my friend, she comes across as a sincere and caring person.

"come up"
1/   To improve yourself financially
 أن تحسن وضعيتك المالية و الإجتماعة في المجتمع
EX:   He has really come up in the world.
2/   To be discussed 
 يعرض للنقاش
EX:   Many of my co-workers have been late to work recently, so I know that this topic will come up in the meeting again.
3/   to visit somewhere that is a higher elevation or north of where you are.
 أن تزور أوتذهب لمكان يتموضع بنقطة أعلى من المكان المتواجد أنت به

EX:   I asked my sister to come up to my room and bring my dinner.
      Come up to the mountains  with us to go hiking.

"come up with"
    1/  To invent
 أن تختلق شيئ ما،غالبا "أعذار"
EX:   I don't want to go to work today, and I have to come up with an excuse why i won't be there.

"come through  "
1/  To do something for someone,(help or favor).
أن تقدم خدمة،مساعدةأو معاملة خاصة لشخص ما
EX:   He really came through driving me from North Carolina to Wisconsin.

"come over"
    To visit  someone's house.
EX:   Janice, do you want to come over?
       They have invited us to come over to their party.

"come out"
 1/  For something or someone to appear
 2/  To be published 
 3/  To be known
1/  يخرج , يظهر
2/  يصدر
3/  ينكشف
EX:1/   We are waiting for the sun to come out.
EX:2/   When does their new album come out?
EX:3/   It was only after his death that the truth came out.

"come along"
   To go with someone.
EX:   I asked my friend to come along with me to New York.

"come out of "
  To be removed from something.
EX:   Grape juice stains don't come out easily from a white shirt.

"come away with"
  To leave a place with a particular opinion or feeling.
  يرجع بإنطباع معين
EX:  When I visited the United States for one year, I came away with a deep understanding of American culture.

"come down with"
   To become ill.
   يصاب بمرض
EX:   I don't feel well I think I'm coming down with a cold.

"come forward"
   To offer help
   تقديم مساعدة  'كشاهد"
EX:   After the bank robbery, witnesses were asked to come forward with any information they may have about the crime.

"come in"
1/  To go somewhere to receive a service.
2/  To enter
1/  زيارة مكان من أجل خدمة ما
2/  يدخل
1/  EX: My lawyer asked me to come in to his office for an update on my case.
2/  EX:  I told my son to come in because it was so cold outside.

"come by"
1/   To visit (for a short time)
2/   To get or obtain.
1/   تزور لمدة قصيرة 
2/   يحصل على أو يجد
1/  EX: When are you going to come by my house?
2/  EX: Organic apples are hard to come by in my town.

"come around"
  To change your  opinion so that now you are in agreement.
   يغير رأيه
  EX: He came around to my way of thinking and now we are friends again.

"come down" 
   To visit somewhere that is a lower elevation or south of where you are
  أن تزور أوتذهب لمكان يتموضع بنقطة منخفضة من المكان المتواجد أنت به
   EX:  He came down to Miami from New York for a week.

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