تعلّم أهمّ الأفعال المركّبة مع حرف الجرِّ "IN"

Check in
To register at a hotel or airport.
سَجَّلَ وصوله.
We need to check in at the hotel before 3:00 PM.
Log in
To enter your username and password to access a computer system or website.
سَجَّل الدّخول (نظام معلوماتي).
Please log in to your account to complete the transaction.
Fill in
To complete a form or provide information.
ملأَ (اسْتِمَارَةَ المَعْلُومَاتِ): عَبَّأَهَا.
Make sure to fill in all the required fields on the application form.
Join in
To participate or become involved in an activity.
اشتَركَ: انضمَّ.
We're playing a game of cards; would you like to join in?
Believe in
To have faith or trust in someone or something.
آمِنٌ بِـ: وَاثِقٌ بِـ.
I believe in your ability to succeed.
Result in
To lead to a particular outcome or consequence.
أَفْضَى إلى: أدَّى/اِنْتَهى إلى.
Careless driving can result in accidents.
Succeed in
To achieve success in a particular endeavor.
أَفْلَحَ في: نَجَحَ في.
With hard work and dedication, you can succeed in your career.
Engage in
To participate or be involved in an activity.
اشْتَرَكَ في: سَاهَمَ في.
The company encourages employees to engage in community service.
Take in
To absorb or comprehend information.
اسْتَوْعَبَهُ: تَلَقّاهُ وفَهِمَ المقصودَ منه.
It took a while for him to take in the complexity of the situation.
Let in
To allow someone or something to enter.
سَمَحَ بِدُخولِهِ.
Can you let in some fresh air?
Move in
To begin living in a new residence.
انْتَقَلَ: من مَكانٍ إلى آخَرَ: تَحَوَّلَ مِنَ الأَوَّلِ إلى الثاني.
They decided to move in together after getting married.
Get in
To enter a vehicle or a place.
دخلَ مكانًا/ ركِبَ سيّارَةً.
Hurry up and get in the car; we're running late!
Plug in
To connect an electrical device to a power source.
وصَّلَ (أداة كهربائية) بالقَابس أو المَأخَذ.
Make sure to plug in your phone before you go to bed.
Drop in
To visit someone informally and without prior notice.
قامَ بِزِيارَةٍ خاطِفَةٍ أو على غَيْرِ تَوَقُّعٍ.
Feel free to drop in if you're in the neighborhood.
Dive in
To start doing something with enthusiasm.
انكبَّ على/ أَقْدَمَ على الشَّيْءِ: شَرَعَ في إنجازه.
Let's stop discussing and just dive in and get the work done.
Cave in
To collapse or fall inward, especially as a result of external pressure.
انْهارَ: انْهَدَمَ، سَقَطَ.
The roof of the old building began to cave in due to the heavy snow.
To finally concede or give in to someone else's wishes, often under duress, pressure, coercion, compulsion, threat, or force.
اسْتَسْلَمَ: أذعَنَ، خَضَعَ.
Under the threat of legal action, they had no choice but to cave in and comply with the demands.
Chip in
To contribute or give a small amount of money or effort towards a larger goal.
أسْهَمَ في الشَّيْءِ: ساهَمَ فيه، شارَك فيه، ساعَد، عاونَ.
Everyone decided to chip in for a gift for the retiring colleague.
Break in
To enter a building or place illegally, especially with the intent of committing a crime.
اقْتَحَمَ المَكانَ: دَخَلَهُ عُنْوَةً وَعُنْفًا وَقُوَّةً.
Someone tried to break in to our house last night.
Bring in
To introduce or bring something or someone to a place or situation.
طَرَحَ؛ قَدَّمَ.
The company decided to bring in new policies to improve efficiency.
Give in
To surrender or yield; to stop resisting or opposing something.
اسْتَسْلَمَ: أذعَنَ، خَضَعَ.
After a long negotiation, they decided to give in to the demands of the workers.
Call in
To request or summon someone by phone.
اسْتَقْدَمَ: طَلَب قُدومَه، اسْتَدعاه.
We had to call in an expert to fix the technical issue.
Fall in
To collapse or drop to the ground, often in a structured manner.
انهَارَ: انهَدَمَ، سَقَطَ، هَوَى.
The old bridge finally fell in after years of deterioration.
Hand in
To submit or give something to someone in authority.
Don't forget to hand in your assignment before the deadline.
Pop in
To make a brief and casual visit.
قامَ بِزِيارَةٍ خاطِفَةٍ أو على غَيْرِ تَوَقُّعٍ.
Feel free to pop in for a cup of coffee whenever you're in the area.
Settle in
To become established or comfortable in a new environment.
اسْتَقَرَّ بهِ وتَعَوَّدَ عليهِ.
It took a few weeks for them to settle in to their new home.
Sleep in
To sleep longer than usual, especially in the morning.
اسْتَغْرَقَ في النَّوم: نامَ إلى ما بعد الوقت المقرّر أو الاعتياديّ للصَّحو.
It's the weekend; I plan to sleep in tomorrow.
Zero in (on)
To focus or direct attention on a specific target or goal.
رَكَّزَ اهْتِمَامَهُ على/ وَجَّهَ اهْتِمَامَهُ إلى.
The detective decided to zero in on the key suspect in the investigation.