سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة - Pull
يأخد شخص على جنب ليحدثه بشكل منفرد
- He pulled me aside to tell me not to discuss the merger in the meeting today because the details aren't finalized yet.
"pull over 1" means for a policeman to stop someone while they are driving
يوقف السيارة بجانب الطريق أو يثم إيقاف السيارة بجانب الطريق من طرف الشرطي
- He pulled me over but I didn't get a ticket.
"pull over 2" means to cover something or someone with something
يغطي، يسحب الغطاء على
- She is very thoughtful and pulls the blanket over me when I'm cold.
"pull in" means to enter somewhere or something with your car
يركن السيارة بمكان معين : موقف السيارات، كراج إلخ ، نستعملها أيضا مع الحافلة أو القطار عندما يتوقف بالمحطة
- As soon as I pulled my car in the garage, it ran out of gas.
"pull out 1" means to exit from somewhere or something with your car
يغادرأو ينطلق بالسيارة من مكان معين : كموقف السيارات مثلا. أيضا الحافلة أو القطار يغادران المحطة
- The truck pulled out of the parking lot right in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid him.
"pull out 2" to take something out of a place suddenly
أشهر، أخرج ... مثال 'أشهر سلاحة'
- High School student accused of pulling a loaded gun out of his backpack during class.
"pull out 3" means to cancel something
تنسحب أو تلغي شيئ ما سبق لك الإتفاق عليه مع شخص ٱخر أو أشخاص
- I gave the dealer a deposit to buy the car but then I decided I couldn't afford it, and pulled out the next day.
"pull up 1" means to drive your car to get closer to something
يتوقف أو يوقف السيارة لوقت قصير: غالبا توقفها بالقرب من شيئ ما
- I pull my car up close to my house when I have a lot of groceries to carry.
"pull up 2" means to grasp something and move it upward
يسحب للأعلى
- You really should wear a belt so you don't have to pull up your pants all day.
"pull down" means to grasp something and move it downward
يسحب للأسفل
- The sun is shining in my eyes. Please pull down the window shade.
"pull off 1" means to remove something from something
يزيل شيئ ما بالسحب
- Pull the old airline tags off your luggage before your next trip.
"pull off 2" means to successfully accomplish something
ينجح بالقيام بشيئ ما ، غالبا بصعوبة و بشكل غير متوقع : يعني بنظر الأخرين صعب أن تقوم بذلك و مع ذلك تفعلها وتفاجئهم.
- She pulled off writing her research paper while she was sick, the night before it was due and still got the best grade in her class.
"pull on" to grasp something with force
- I trained my horse to pull on the rope and ring the bell when he is hungry.