سلسلة تعلّم الأفعال المركبة الإنجليزيّة الشَّائعة

Find Out
To discover or obtain information about something.
عَثَرَ عَلَى؛ وَجَدَ؛ لقِيَ؛ اكْتَشَفَ؛ تَوَصَّلَ إلى.
Detective A: We need to solve this case. Have you interviewed the witnesses? Detective B: Yes, and I found out that the suspect was seen near the scene of the crime.
Student A: Do you know when the exam results will be posted? Student B: Not yet. I've been checking the school website to find out the release date.
Get Along
To have a harmonious relationship or rapport with someone.
تَوافَقَ مع؛ تَلاءم مع؛ انسجَمَ مع؛ ائْتَلَفَ مع.
Person A: Do your siblings get along well? Person B: Yes, most of the time. We have a great relationship.
Colleague A: How are you finding working with the new team? Colleague B: Surprisingly well. We get along and collaborate effectively.
Cheer Up
To become happier or more cheerful.
Friend A: Why the long face? What can I do to cheer you up? Friend B: I just had a rough day. Your company alone is enough to cheer me up.
Parent A: It's okay, things will get better. Let's find something to do to cheer up. Child B: I appreciate that. Maybe we can watch a funny movie together.
Pick Up
To physically lift, raise, or gather something or someone, whether it's lifting physical objects like boxes or providing transportation for someone.
حمَلَ؛ رَفَعَ؛ أَقَلَّ.
Person A: Can you help me pick up these boxes? They're too heavy. Person B: Sure, I'll grab one end, and you take the other.
Driver A: I need to pick up a friend from the airport. Can you come along? Passenger B: Of course, I'd be happy to join you.
Drop Off
To deliver or let someone or something out of a vehicle at a particular place.
أنْزَلَ؛ أهْبَطَ.
Parent A: I'll drop off the kids at school on my way to work. Parent B: Thanks, I appreciate it. I have an early meeting.
Friend A: Can you drop me off at the train station on your way home? Friend B: No problem, I'll be passing by there anyway.
Look For
To search or seek something or someone.
بَحثَ عَنْ؛ فَتَّشَ عَنْ.
Person A: I can't find my keys anywhere. Can you help me look for them? Person B: Of course, let's check the usual spots first.
Shopper A: I'm looking for a birthday gift for my sister. Any recommendations? Shop Assistant B: How about this beautiful necklace? It's one of our best sellers.
Figure Out
To understand or solve a problem through careful thought or investigation.
اسْتَوْعَبَ؛ فَهِمَ.
Student A: This math problem is so confusing. Can you help me figure it out? Student B: Sure, let's go through it step by step.
Employee A: I can't figure out why the system keeps crashing. Employee B: Let me take a look. I'll see if I can identify the issue.
Move In
To start living in a new residence.
انْتَقَلَ: من مَكانٍ إلى آخَرَ: تَحَوَّلَ مِنَ الأَوَّلِ إلى الثاني.
New Tenant A: I'm so excited to finally move in to my new apartment! Tenant B: Welcome! If you need any help settling in, just let me know.
Family A: We're planning to move in next weekend. Can you help us with the furniture? Friend B: Absolutely, I'll be there to lend a hand.
Move Out
To leave a place where you have been living.
أخلَى المكان: غَادَرَهُ؛ تَرَكَهُ.
Tenant A: Our lease is ending, and we need to move out by the end of the month. Tenant B: Got it. Let's start planning the move and notify the landlord.
College Student A: It's bittersweet, but it's time to move out of the dorms and into the real world. College Student B: Best of luck! You're going to do great out there.
Hang Out
To spend time with someone in a relaxed and casual way.
أمضَى الوقت برفقَة...
Friend A: What are you doing this weekend? Wanna hang out? Friend B: Sounds great! Let's grab coffee and catch up.
Sibling A: We should hang out more. It's been a while since we spent time together. Sibling B: I agree. Let's plan something this weekend.