سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة

Call a Spade a Spade
To speak bluntly and directly, even if the truth is harsh or unpleasant.
يُسَمِّي الأَشْيَاءَ بأسْمَائِهَا.. أي يتحدّت بصراحة ومباشَرة حتّى وإن كان ما يقوله جارِح أو قاسٍ.
It's time to call a spade a spade and address the real issues in the project.
Call It a Day
To stop working on something; to consider a task as completed for the day.
يكفي لهذا اليوم (كفاية كده النهارده).
After hours of painting, they decided to call it a day and continue tomorrow.
Cash Cow
A business or product that generates a steady income or profit.
بقَرةٌ حَلُوبٌ: مصدرٌ ثَابِتٌ لدَرِّ المَالِ.
The new software became a cash cow for the company, bringing in substantial revenue.
On Cloud Nine
A state of extreme happiness or euphoria.
سعادتُه لا توصف (في سَابع سمَا).
Winning the championship put him on cloud nine for weeks.
Get Cold Feet
Nervousness or fear, especially before a significant event.
عَدَلَ عن رأيهِ لإحسَاسهِ بالخَوفِ: غَيَّرَهُ وتراجَعَ عنهُ بعد أن تَوَجَّسَ خِيفَةً.
He got cold feet on the day of the wedding and almost called it off.
Have something Coming Out of My Ears
Having an excess or overwhelming amount of something.
أكثر من اللاَّزم.
I've had complaints coming out of my ears since I became the manager. Everyone seems to have something to say.
At the Crack of Dawn
The very early morning hours, just before sunrise.
مع تَبَاشِيرِ الصُّبْحِ: مع العَلَامَاتِ الأُولَى للصُّبْحِ.
We had to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch the early flight.
Cream of the Crop
The best or most outstanding people or things in a group.
الخِيرة؛ النُّخْبة؛ الصّفْوَة؛ الأَفْضَلُ؛ الأحْسَنُ؛ الأَجْوَدُ.
The competition attracted the cream of the crop in the industry.
Crocodile Tears
Fake or insincere tears, typically used to manipulate others.
دُمُوعُ التَّماسيحِ: أي دُمُوعٌ كاذِبَةٌ.. كناية عن النِّفاق.
She shed crocodile tears when caught in a lie, trying to appear remorseful.
Cup of Joe
A cup of coffee.
فِنْجَانَ قَهْوَةٍ.
I can't start my day without a cup of joe.