سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة
Don't get your tinsel in a tangle

A light-hearted and playful way of telling someone not to get overly stressed, upset, or worried about something.
هدِّئْ من رَوْعِك/ هدِّئ أعصابك: استرخِ، لا تقلَق.
Friend 1: "I can't find the perfect gift for everyone, and I still need to decorate the house!"
Friend 2: "Take it easy! Don't get your tinsel in a tangle. It's supposed to be a joyful time, not a stressful one."
Good things come in small packages

Used to encourage people to look beyond appearances and not underestimate the value of something or someone just because they are small or seemingly insignificant.
لا تحكُم على الشخص أو الشّيء من خلال مظهره أو حجمه أو قيمته.
Chris: "Here, a small surprise for you."
Alex: "Oh, what's this?"
Chris: "Good things come in small packages, they say. Open it and find out."
Be there with bells on

Used to say that someone is eagerly looking forward to attending an event or gathering.
تستعمل للتّعبير على أنّك متطلعٌ أو توّاقٌ إلى الحضور أو التّواجد في مكانٍ مَا.
Amy: "Are you coming to the party tonight?"
Ben: "Absolutely! I'll be there with bells on.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

This saying encourages individuals to focus on the positive intentions and generosity behind a gift or favor rather than being overly critical or nitpicking about its details or value.
إن جاءتك هدية فاقبلها على علّتِها.. أي قدِّر قيمتهَا الرّمزية.
Sarah: "Hey, I found this book at the store and thought you might like it."
Alex: "Oh, I already have this one, and it's a bit worn."
Sarah: "Well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I just thought you might enjoy it."
Deck the halls

To decorate a place festively, especially with Christmas decorations.
يزيِّن المكان احتفالاً، خصوصًا من أجل عيد الميلاد "الكريسماس".
We spent the entire weekend decking the halls with tinsel and ornaments.
Trim the tree

To decorate a Christmas tree with ornaments, lights, and other festive items.
يزيِّن شجرة عيد الميلاد (الكريسماس) بالزِّينة، والأضواء، وغيرها من العناصر الاحتفاليّة.
Every year, we gather as a family to trim the tree and hang our favorite ornaments.
Bah, humbug

Used when someone does not approve of or enjoy something that other people enjoy, especially a special occasion such as Christmas.
يَتَأَوَّهُ اتجاه شيء احتفالي أو مبهج.
Friend: "I can't wait to exchange gifts and spread joy this Christmas!"
Cynical Friend: "Bah, humbug! It's just a commercialized excuse for spending money."
Eat, drink, and be merry

Used to convey the idea of enjoying life to the fullest without worrying too much about the future.
اسْتَمتع بحَياتك الآن ولا تُشغَل بالك بالغد.
We're only young once, so let's eat, drink, and be merry!
Christmas has come early

Something good or unexpected has happened sooner than expected.
عبارة تستعمَل للتّعبير على أن شيء ما جيد حدث قَبْلَ أوَانِهِ أو على غير المتوقّع.
When I received the job offer before the scheduled interview, it felt like Christmas had come early.
Christmas comes but once a year

We should appreciate and make the most of special occasions because they don't happen often.
يستعمل هذا التّعبير للإشارة إلى أن بعض اللّحظات الخاصة يجب أن تُستَغَل وتُعاش كمَا ينبغي.
Don't be upset about spending a little extra on gifts; after all, Christmas comes but once a year.
All my Christmases have come together

Everything I wished for or needed has happened or come true.
كلّ أمنيَاتي ومَقاصِدي تحقّقَت.
When I found out I got accepted into my dream college and received a scholarship, it felt like all my Christmases had come together.
To light up like a Christmas tree

To shine brightly with joy or excitement.
تَلأْلأَ وَجْهُهُ فَرَحًا: أَشْرَقَ، اِسْتَنارَ.
Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the surprise birthday party waiting for her.
Like turkeys voting for Christmas

Used to describe a situation in which someone is making a choice or decision that is clearly against their own best interests.
كالباحث عن حتفه بظِلفه/ سَعَى إلى حَتْفِهِ بِظِلْفِهِ: سَعى إلى حَتْفِهِ بِيَدِهِ.. يكون هو سبب نكبة نفسه.
It would be like turkeys voting for Christmas if we agreed to this deal.
To ring in the New Year

To celebrate the beginning of the new year.
يستَقبلُ العام الجديد.
We gathered in the town square to ring in the New Year with fireworks and cheers.