سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة

Take the cake
حَازَ قَصَبَ السَّبْقِ/ نَالَ السَّبْق/ كان السّبّاق (إلى أمرٍ سلبي).(تستعمل بقصد التَّهَكُّم غالبًا)
Used sarcastically to imply being the best at something negative or undesirable.
"Oh, you forgot your keys again? You really take the cake for forgetfulness!" The city council takes the cake for wasting public money with their extravagant spending on unnecessary projects. We've navigated through various difficulties in this project, but looking back, 2023 takes the cake for presenting the most formidable hurdles.