أفعال مركّبة مفيدة لإغناء رصيدك اللّغوي من المفردات

Cut down on
To reduce or decrease, often used with habits or consumption.
قَلَّلَ من (استهلاك): أنقَصَ.
I want to cut down on sugary snacks.
Take up
To start a new activity or hobby.
بدَأَ مُزاوَلة.
I plan to take up painting in the new year.
Take on
To accept new responsibilities or challenges.
تولَّى: أخذَ على عاتِقِه.
I'm ready to take on more leadership roles at work.
Put up/aside
To save or allocate.
ادَّخرَ: وفَّر.
I need to put up/aside more money for future travels.
Give up
To stop doing something, usually a habit.
تَخَلَّى عَن: تَرَكَ.
I'm determined to give up smoking.
Stick to
To remain committed to a plan or goal.
لزِمَ (الشّيء): ثَبَتَ وداوَمَ عَلَيْهِ.
I will stick to my exercise routine.
Brush up on
To improve or refresh one's knowledge or skills.
صَقَلَ: نَمَّى، طَوَّرَ، حسَّنَ.
I want to brush up on my Spanish before my trip.
Follow through (On/With)
To carry out or complete a task, commitment, or action.
نَفَّذَ الشيءَ: قَضَاهُ وَأَجْرَاهُ.
I set a deadline for myself to finish writing the report, and I am determined to follow through with it.
I plan to follow through with my commitment to study every day to succeed in my exams.
The government announced its intention to address climate change and promised to follow through on a series of environmental policies.
Work toward
To make progress or effort in achieving a goal.
سَعَى إلَى: عَمِلَ علَى.
I'm working toward getting a promotion.
Break through
To overcome obstacles, barriers, or limitations, often in the pursuit of success, progress, or achievement.
شقَّ طريق النّجاح (غالبًا بصُعُوبَةٍ).
After years of hard work, the artist finally broke through and gained recognition in the art world.
Look forward to
To anticipate with excitement.
تطلَّعَ إلى: ترقَّب حدوثَه بشوقٍ.
I look forward to learning a new instrument.
Start off
To begin something.
بَاشَرَ: بَدَأ فِي، شرَع فِي.
I will start off the year by decluttering my home.
Set aside
To allocate time or resources for a specific purpose.
خَصَّصَ: أفرَدَ.
I need to set aside time for self-care.
Carry on with
To continue or persist with an activity.
تَابَعَ: وَاصَلَ، اسْتَمَرَّ فِي.
I will carry on with my language learning.
Work on
To focus on improving or developing a skill.
عَمِلَ عَلَى: سَعَى لِـ.
I need to work on my time management.