تعلّم أهمّ الأفعال المركّبة مع حرف الجرِّ "ON"

Add on (to)
To include or append something to an existing item or situation.
أضافَ: ضَمَّ، زادَ.
I decided to add on an extra room to the house.
Bank on
To depend on or trust in someone or something for success.
اعْتَمَدَ على: اتَّكَلَ على.
I'm banking on your support to make this project successful.
Build on
To use as a basis for further progress.
بَنَى على: أسَّسَ على.
Let's build on the success of our previous projects.
Carry on
To continue or proceed with an activity.
واصَلَ: داوَمَ، تابَعَ.
Despite the challenges, we decided to carry on with the project.
Check on
To inquire about or inspect something or someone.
I'll check on the progress of the work later today.
Count on
To rely on or trust someone or something to do what is expected.
اعْتَمَدَ على: اتَّكَلَ على.
You can count on me to help you with the project.
Decide on
To make a choice or reach a decision about something.
بَتَّ فِي: حسَمَ فِي.
Let's decide on the date for the meeting.
Get on (with)
To have a good relationship with someone.
انْسَجَمَ: ائْتَلَف، تَوافَقَ.
I get on well with my coworkers.
Go on
To continue or proceed.
اسْتَمَرَّ: مَضَى، دامَ.
The show will go on despite the technical issues.
Hang on
To wait or pause momentarily.
انْتَظِرْ (لحْظَةً).
Please hang on for a moment; I'll be right back.
To hold tight, endure, or persevere through a difficult or challenging situation.
تتَشَبَّثَ (بِـ): تَعَلَّقَ (بِـ)، تَمَسَّكَ (بِـ).
Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Financial difficulties can be tough, but if you hang on and manage your expenses wisely, things will improve.
During tough times, it's essential to hang on to your dreams and goals. They can be a source of motivation.
Hold on
To wait or pause for a short period.
انْتَظِرْ (لحْظَةً).
Hold on a second; I need to grab my keys.
To keep a tight grip on something.
تَمَسَّكَ بِـ: تَشَبَّثَ بِـ.
Hold on to the railing while walking down the stairs.
Move on
To proceed or advance to the next stage or phase.
مَضَى قُدُمًا.
It's time for us to move on and explore new opportunities.
Pass on
To convey or transmit information or a message to others.
مَرَّرَ؛ نَقَلَ.
I'll make sure to pass on your feedback to the team.
Pick on
To repeatedly criticize or tease someone, often unfairly.
انْتَقَدَ/تنَمَّرَ علَى (أكْثَرَ مِنَ اللَّازِمِ).
Stop picking on your younger sibling; it's not fair.
Pounce on
To attack or criticize someone as soon as an opportunity arises.
انْقَضَّ على.
The media tends to pounce on any hint of controversy.
Settle on
To reach a decision or agreement after considering various options.
اتَّخَذَ قَرَارًا: ثبتَ واستقرَّ عليهِ.
After much discussion, we finally settled on a design for the project.
Seize on
To take advantage of an opportunity or idea enthusiastically.
انْتَهَزَ: اغْتَنَمَ.
The marketing team decided to seize on the trending topic for their campaign.
Take on
To undertake a task or responsibility.
تَوَلَّى: أَخَذَ الأَمْرَ على عاتِقِهِ.. أَي تَحَمَّلَ مَسْؤُولِيَّتَهُ أو ألَزْمَ نَفْسَهُ بِهِ.
I'm willing to take on the challenge of leading the project.
Try on
To test or experiment with clothing or accessories by putting them on.
جرَّبَ (ملابس/إكْسِسْوارات): قاسَهَا على جسمِه.
Before purchasing, I like to try on clothes to ensure they fit well.
Turn on
To switch on or activate a device or mechanism.
شَغَّلَ: أَدَارَ.
Don't forget to turn on the lights when you enter the room.
Run on
To be powered or fueled by a particular energy source.
يَشْتَغِلُ بِـ/ يعمَلُ بِـ.
The car run on electricity rather than gasoline.
Keep on
To continue or persist in an action or behavior.
واصَلَ: اسْتَمَرَّ في.
Despite the challenges, we decided to keep on pursuing our goals.
Focus on
To concentrate attention or effort on a specific task or objective.
رَكَّزَ انْتِباهَهُ في أَمْرٍ: حَصَرَهُ فيهِ.
Let's focus on improving customer satisfaction in the next quarter.
Bring on
To cause or initiate something.
سَبَّبَ: أحدَثَ، جَلَبَ، تَسَبَّبَ بِـ، أثَار.
The spicy food brought on a stomachache.
The new policy is expected to bring on positive changes in the organization.
Insist on
To demand or firmly require something.
أصَرَّ على: أَلَحَّ، عَزَمَ، ثَبَتَ.
She always insists on punctuality during meetings.
Cheat on
To be unfaithful in a relationship; to betray a partner by engaging in romantic or sexual activities with someone else.
خانَ/خانَت: أقام/ت عَلاقة غير شَرْعِيّة مع شخصٍ آخَر.
Infidelity is a serious issue, and no one should cheat on their partner.
Catch on
To understand something, especially after a long time.
فَهِمَ: أدْرَكَ، عَرَفَ.
After struggling with the complex math problem for hours, Mary finally caught on to the solution when her friend explained it in a simple way.
To become popular or widely accepted.
لَاقَى رَواجًا/قبولاً عند العامّة.
The new fashion trend started to catch on in major cities.
Rely on
To depend on or trust in someone or something for support or assistance.
اعْتَمَدَ على: اتَّكَلَ على.
You can always rely on your friends during difficult times.