سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة

Dead Duck
Used to describe a person or thing that is perceived as being doomed, in serious trouble, or certain to fail.
هَالِكٌ لَا مَحَالَةَ؛ مَحْكُومٌ عَلَيْهِ بِالفَشَلِ: مَصِيرُهُ الفَشَلُ؛ في وَضْع حرج للغاية.
If they find out what I did, I'm a dead duck!
They were well aware that their plans were a dead duck.
After the scandal, his political career became a dead duck.
Play Devil’s Advocate
To present an opposing viewpoint or argue against a commonly held belief, not necessarily because you agree with it, but to provoke thoughtful discussion or examination of different perspectives.
يعترض فقط لإثارة الجدال والنِّقاش.
Although I personally support the new policy, let me play devil's advocate for a moment and consider the potential drawbacks and challenges it might pose.
Diamond in the Rough
Someone or something with great potential but lacking polish or refinement.
شخص أو شيء ذو إمكانيات أو مؤهلات مهمّة لكنه فقط في حاجة إلى عناية.
The old house was a diamond in the rough, with its charming architectural details hidden beneath layers of neglect.
Jake may not have the best grades in school, but he's a diamond in the rough when it comes to creativity. Give him the right opportunities, and he could become a brilliant artist.
Dig Deep
To find the inner strength to overcome a challenge; to investigate or explore something thoroughly.
سعَى جهدَه للقيام بعمل ما أو البحث عن أمرٍ مّا.
When times get tough, you need to dig deep and keep going.
The journalists dug deep into the company's finances and uncovered a pattern of fraud.
Dirt Cheap
Extremely inexpensive or very cheap.
بثَمَنٍ زَهيدٍ: رَخيص جِدًّا.
I found this shirt on sale, and it was dirt cheap.
Drama Queen
Someone who often reacts in an exaggerated or overly emotional manner.
تطلَقُ على الشَّخصية الّتي تحب الاستعراض والتّباهي والمبالغة في رد فعلها من خلال اللُّجوء إلى التمثيل وتأدية أدوار كالانهيار والبكاء للحصول على مرادها أو لجذب الاهتمام إليها.
She's such a drama queen; every small issue becomes a big production.
Dress to Kill
Wearing stylish or attractive clothing with the intent of making a strong impression.
تَأَنَّقَ فِي لِبَاسِهِ: اِرْتَدَى لِبَاسًا أَنِيقًا.. غالبًا من أجل لفت الانتباه والثّناء أو من أجل أن يُخَلِّفَ انْطِباعًا خاصًّا.
She always knows how to dress to kill at important events.
Drop Like Flies
To become ill or die in large numbers and quickly.
تَسَاقَطوا الواحِدَ تِلْوَ الآخَرِ.
The soldiers were dropping like flies on the battlefield.
The disease was spreading rapidly, and people were dropping like flies.
Drive Me Crazy
To cause irritation or frustration; to make someone feel exasperated or annoyed.
أثَارَ حَنَقَهُ، سُخْطَهُ، حَمَلَهُ عَلَى الغَضَبِ.
The constant noise from construction next door is starting to drive me crazy.