سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة

Lo and behold
عبارة تقال للتّعبير عن الدّهشة أو التّعجّب من أمرٍ ما غير مُتَوقّع: يَا لَلْعَجَبِ! صدِّق أو لا تصدِّق؛ لا أكاد أصدّق عيني.
An expression used to express surprise, wonder, or astonishment when something unexpected or remarkable is revealed or discovered.
I opened the fridge, and lo and behold, there was my favorite ice cream. She had been searching for her lost phone for hours, and then, lo and behold, it was in her coat pocket the entire time. I was browsing through a flea market, and lo and behold, I stumbled upon a vintage typewriter in perfect working condition.