سلسلة تعلّم الأفعال المركبة الإنجليزيّة الشَّائعة

Bring Up
To mention or introduce a topic into conversation.
أَثارَ مَوْضوعًا/فِكرةً/مَسْألةً/قَضيَّةً: طَرَحها، عَرَضَها للمناقشة.
Employee A: Do you mind if I bring up a concern about the recent changes in our project strategy? Employee B: Not at all. We value open communication. Please go ahead and share your thoughts.
Friend A: I've been meaning to bring up the idea of planning a group vacation. What do you think? Friend B: That sounds like a fantastic idea! Let's discuss the details and make it happen.
Piss Off
To make someone angry or annoyed.
أَغاظَ؛ أحْنَقَ؛ أغْضَبَ.
Person A: I didn't mean to piss off my friend, but she took my comment the wrong way. Person B: Maybe you should clarify your intention and apologize if needed.
Employee A: I believe I unintentionally pissed off the boss during the presentation. Employee B: It happens to everyone. Consider scheduling a brief meeting to address any concerns and clarify your intentions.
Calm Down
To become or make someone less angry, upset, or agitated.
هَدَأَ؛ هَدَّأَ.
Friend A: You need to calm down before talking to your roommate about the issue. Friend B: You're right. I'll take a few deep breaths and then address the situation.
Parent A: When the kids are fighting, it's essential to calm them down and talk through the problem. Parent B: Yes, finding a peaceful resolution is key.
Turn Out
To happen or develop in a particular way.
يكون مَآلُهُ كذَا: نِهَايَتُهُ، نَتِيجَتُهُ.
Event Organizer A: How did the fundraiser turn out last night? Event Organizer B: It exceeded our expectations. We raised more funds than anticipated.
Chef A: I wasn't sure how the new recipe would turn out, but the customers loved it! Chef B: That's fantastic news. It might become a permanent menu item.
Mess Up
To make a mistake or do something wrong.
أفْسَدَ؛ خرَّبَ.
Student A: I think I messed up the presentation. I forgot a crucial point. Student B: Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes. You can address it during the Q&A.
Employee A: I accidentally messed up the order. How can I fix it? Employee B: Apologize to the customer and see if there's anything extra you can provide to make up for it.
Fool Around
To engage in playful, frivolous, or unserious activity.
يَلْهُو؛ يتَسَلَّى.
Friend A: Instead of studying, let's fool around and play video games for a bit. Friend B: Okay, but just for a short break. We need to get back to work afterward.
Parent A: The kids love to fool around in the backyard, especially on weekends. Parent B: It's good for them to have unstructured playtime.
Come Over
To visit someone's house or location.
زارَ فُلانًا: جَاءَ إِلَيْهِ؛ أَتَاهُ، قَدِمَ إِلَيْهِ.
Friend A: I'm feeling a bit down. Can you come over and hang out for a while? Friend B: Of course! I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Relative A: We miss you! When are you going to come over for a family dinner? Relative B: I'll plan a visit next weekend. Looking forward to it.
Catch Up
To spend time with someone, often to update each other on life events.
Friend A: It's been ages! We need to catch up soon. Friend B: Definitely. Let's grab coffee this weekend and chat.
Colleague A: I haven't seen you in the office lately. We should catch up during lunch. Colleague B: Sounds good. I've been working on a new project.
Call Off
To cancel an event or activity.
Event Planner A: Due to bad weather, we might need to call off the outdoor concert. Event Planner B: Let's have a backup plan or reschedule for next week.
Friend A: I have a family emergency, and I need to call off our dinner plans tonight. Friend B: No problem at all. Family comes first. Take care.
Deal With
To handle or manage a situation or problem.
عَالَجَ الأمرَ: تَعَامَلَ مَعَهُ؛ اِهتمَّ بِـهِ؛ تَوَلّاهُ.
Manager A: The client is unhappy with the service. Can you deal with it? Employee B: I'll talk to the client and find a solution to address their concerns.
Mother A: The kids are arguing again. Can you deal with it while I finish cooking dinner? Father B: Sure, I'll go talk to them and try to resolve the issue.