أفعال مركَّبة خاصّة بالطَّبخ

  • Boil over To overflow or spill out of a container while boiling.أغلَى؛ يُغلِي: سخّنه حتَّى أوصله إلى درجة الغليان Be careful not to let the soup boil over.

  • Chop up To cut food into small, uneven pieces.قَطَّعَ؛ يُقَطِّعُ (قطَعًا صغيرَة) Chop up the vegetables for the stir-fry.

  • Grill up To cook food on a grill, usually outdoors.شَوَى؛ يشوِي We're going to grill up some burgers for dinner.

  • Mix in To combine ingredients by stirring or blending them into a mixture.خَلَّطَ؛ يخلِّطُ: مزَجَ Mix in the spices with the tomato sauce.

  • Slice up To cut food into thin, flat pieces.شَرَّحَ: قَطَّعَ قِطَعًا رِقَاقًا Slice up the fresh bread for sandwiches.

  • Stir in To mix an ingredient into a dish by stirring.حَرَّكَ؛ يُحَرِّكُ Stir in the vanilla extract into the cake batter.

  • Whip up To quickly prepare or make something, usually a dish.حظَّر؛ يُحظِّر (وجبَةً) بسرعَة I can whip up a delicious dessert in no time.

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