أفعال مركَّبة خاصّة بالطَّبخ

Boil over To overflow or spill out of a container while boiling.أغلَى؛ يُغلِي: سخّنه حتَّى أوصله إلى درجة الغليان Be careful not to let the soup boil over.
Chop up To cut food into small, uneven pieces.قَطَّعَ؛ يُقَطِّعُ (قطَعًا صغيرَة) Chop up the vegetables for the stir-fry.
Grill up To cook food on a grill, usually outdoors.شَوَى؛ يشوِي We're going to grill up some burgers for dinner.
Mix in To combine ingredients by stirring or blending them into a mixture.خَلَّطَ؛ يخلِّطُ: مزَجَ Mix in the spices with the tomato sauce.
Slice up To cut food into thin, flat pieces.شَرَّحَ: قَطَّعَ قِطَعًا رِقَاقًا Slice up the fresh bread for sandwiches.
Stir in To mix an ingredient into a dish by stirring.حَرَّكَ؛ يُحَرِّكُ Stir in the vanilla extract into the cake batter.
Whip up To quickly prepare or make something, usually a dish.حظَّر؛ يُحظِّر (وجبَةً) بسرعَة I can whip up a delicious dessert in no time.