أفعال مركّبة نستخدمها عند استعمال الهَاتف

Call back To return a phone call.عاوَدَ الاتِّصال I missed his call, so I need to call him back.
Hang up To end a phone call by disconnecting.قطَع الاتِّصال؛ أغلَق الخَط After the conversation, she hung up the phone.
Pick up To answer or take a phone call.رَدَّ على الهاتف Please pick up the phone — I've been trying to reach you.
Put through To connect a caller to another person or department.حوَّلَ المكالَمة I'll put you through to the manager right away.
Get off the line To end a call abruptly or rudely.أنهَى المكَالَمة He got off the line without saying goodbye.
Hold on To wait on the line during a phone call.ابقَى على الخَط Can you please hold on? I'll be with you shortly.
Ring up To make a phone call.تلفنَ؛ هاتَفَ I'll ring up the customer service department to inquire about my order.
Speak up To talk louder or more clearly on the phone.ارفَع صوتَك I can't hear you well. Could you please speak up?
Put on hold To place a caller in a temporary wait status.وضَع المكالمَة قيد الانتظار I'll put you on hold while I retrieve the information you requested.
Get through To successfully establish a connection or make contact with someone on the phone.تمكّن من إجراء المكالمة بنجاح After several attempts, I finally got through to the customer support team.