
أكثر العبارات الإنجليزية إستعمالا

"pushing your luck" means to ask too much of someone to achieve a particular result or goal to the point where you risk losing all of their help.
 أن تكثر أو تبالغ في طلب شيئ ما من شخص أو عمل شيئ ما.
  •      "I got a coworker to cover my Friday night shift at my job but I didn't ask him to cover my Saturday shift as well, because I would be pushing my luck."

"throw his weight around" means to unfairly use your position of authority in order to get what you want.
  أن تستغل مكانتك أو سلطتك لغاية ما
  •      "He is the worst player on our team but because he's the owner of the company I work for, he throws his weight around and expects me to sit on the bench so he can play in every match."

"burn the midnight oil" means to work late into the night.
 أن تدرس،تعمل أو تقوم بشيئ ما في وقت متأخر من الليل
  •      "My friend's internet connection is really slow, so he chooses to burn the midnight oil and do online research at 3AM when his internet connection is the best."

"blessing in disguise" means to recognize that something positive came out of an experience that was originally thought to be negative.
 شيئ سيئ حدث معك  لكن فيه خير لك
  •      "When we broke off our engagement I felt devastated but now I realize it was a blessing in disguise because I'm so much happier without her."

"pound the pavement" means to look for a job.
 تبحث عن عمل
  •      "My friend recently graduated from college so now he is busy pounding the pavement."

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