أفعال مركّبة وأضْدادُهَا

Pick up & Drop off
أَقَلَّ مِنْ؛ أخذَ مِنْ. أنْزَلَ؛ أهْبَطَ؛ سَلّم؛ أَوْصَل.
(pick up): To collect or take something or someone from a particular location, usually in a vehicle. (drop off): To deliver or leave something or someone at a specific location, usually in a vehicle.
I'll pick you up in 15 minutes. Make sure you're ready.
Can you pick up the kids from school after work?
I'm going to drop off this letter at the post office.
Can you drop me off at the train station?
Get on & Get off
صَعِدَ إلَى. تَرَجَّلَ عَنْ.
(get on): To board a vehicle or enter. (get off): To leave or disembark.
We'll get on the bus at the first stop and get off at the city center.
Get in & Get out
دخلَ مكانًا/ ركِبَ سيّارَةً. غادرَ مكانًا/ نزَلَ مِن سيَّارَةٍ.
(get in): To enter a vehicle or a place. (get out): To exit or leave a vehicle or a place.
It's raining. Let's hurry up and get in the building before we get soaked.
I'll wait for you outside. Just give me a call when you're ready, and I'll come get in the car.
After the movie, they were the first to get out of the theater.
We've arrived at the restaurant. It's time to get out of the car and enjoy our meal.
Turn up & Turn down
رفَعَ. خَفَضَ.
(turn up): To increase or raise. (turn down): To decrease or lower.
Can you turn up the volume on the TV? It's a bit too low. Now, turn down the music; it's too loud.
Check in & Check out
سَجَّلَ وصوله. سَجَّلَ مغادرته.
(check in): To register arrival or record one's presence. (check out): To register departure or record one's leaving.
Guests can check in at the front desk starting at 3 PM and must check out by 11 AM.
Pick up & Put down
حَمَلَ. وضَعَ.
(pick up): To lift or collect. (put down): To place or release.
She picked up the phone when it rang and put it down after the conversation.
Go out & Stay in
خَرَجَ مِنْ بَيْتِهِ. بقِيَ فِي بَيْتِهِ.
(go out): To leave for social activities. (stay in): To remain at home.
We can either go out for dinner or stay in and cook.
Put on & Take off
لبِسَ. خلَعَ.
(put on): To dress oneself in. (take off): To remove clothing or accessories.
Put on your jacket; it's cold outside. When you come inside, take it off.
Speed up & Slow down
أَسْرَعَ؛ عَجَّلَ. أَبْطَأَ؛ تَمَهَّلَ.
(speed up): To increase the speed. (slow down): To decrease the speed.
We need to speed up to catch the train. Slow down; the road is slippery.
Stay up & Turn in
بَقِيَ مستَيقظًا. خَلَدَ إلى النَّوْم.
(stay up): To remain awake or not go to bed. (turn in): To go to bed.
I usually stay up late on weekends. Tonight, I'll turn in early.
Run after & Run away
طارَدَ؛ لَاحَقَ. فَرَّ؛ هَرَبَ.
(run after): To chase or pursue. (run away): To flee or escape.
The children love to run after the ice cream truck.
The cat will run away if you get too close.
Look up to & Look down on
اعْتَبَرَهُ: اعْتَدَّ بِهِ، كانَ لَهُ عِنْدَهُ قيمَةٌ وشَأْنٌ. احْتَقَرَهُ: اسْتَصْغَرَ؛ ازدَرَى.
(look up to): To admire or respect. (look down on): To regard with disdain or contempt.
I've always looked up to my older brother for his wisdom.
It's not right to look down on others based on their background.
Cool down & Warm up
بَرَدَ: هَدَأَ. بَرَدَ: هَبَطَتْ حَرَارَتُهُ. دَفَّأ الأكلَ أو أعْضَاءهُ بِالحَرَكَاتِ الرِّيَاضِيَّةِ: يُسَخِّنُهُ/هَا.
(cool down): To lower the temperature or become cooler. (warm up): To gently prepare the body for exercise by doing light activities and stretches; or to reheat previously cooked food.
After the workout, it's important to cool down with some stretches.
Before you start running, make sure to warm up your muscles.
Can you warm the soup up for me?
Break up & Get back together
انْفَصَلَ؛ افترَقَ. اجتَمَع بعد افْتِراقٌ؛ لمّ شَمْلَهُم.
(break up): To end a relationship or group. (get together): To reunite or gather.
They decided to break up after years of dating. Later, they got back together and had a celebration.
Eat out & Eat in
أكَل في الخارِج. أكَل في بَيْته.
(eat out): To dine at a restaurant or outside the home. (eat in): To have a meal at home.
Let's eat out tonight and try that new Italian restaurant. Tomorrow, we can eat in and cook something special.
Get over & Come down with
تَعافى ممَّا ألمّ بهِ: شُفِيَ منهُ؛ تخطَّاهُ. مَرِضَ: اعْتَلَّ؛ أُصيبَ بعِلَّةٍ.
(get over): To recover from an illness or emotional distress. (come down with): To become ill with something.
It took her a few weeks to get over the flu. Unfortunately, she came down with a cold right after.
Chill out & Stress out
تَهَدَّنَ. تَوَتَّرَ.
(chill out): To relax or calm down. (stress out): To become anxious or stressed.
Take a break and chill out for a while. Don't stress out about the deadline; we have it under control.
Fill in & Empty out
مَلأَ. أفْرَغَ.
(fill in): To complete a form or add content. (empty out): To remove all contents or vacate.
Please fill in your details on the form.
After the event, we'll need to empty out the conference room.
Wake up & Fall asleep
اسْتَيْقَظَ: صَحا مِنْ نَوْمِهِ. رَقَدَ: نامَ.
(wake up): To become awake. (fall asleep): To enter a state of sleep.
I usually wake up at 6 AM.
It takes me a while to fall asleep at night.
Log in & Log out
تسجيل الدخول من (نظام معلوماتي). تسجيل الخروج من (نظام معلوماتي).
(log in): To enter a computer system or online account. (log out): To exit or sign out.
You can log in to your email account to check your messages. Don't forget to log out when you're done.
Set up & Take down
جَهَّزَ؛ أَعَدَّ؛ رَكَّبَ؛ أنشَأَ. أَزالَ؛ فَكَّكَ.
(set up): To arrange or assemble. (take down): To dismantle or remove.
We need to set up the exhibition in the morning and take it down in the evening.