سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Turn-
- The chicken must be turned over after 3 minutes to brown on the other side.
"turn against" means to become dissatisfied. ينقلب على
- The crowd turned against the promoter as soon as they found out the concert was cancelled.
"turn away 1" means to move your head in a different direction. يدير وجهه
- Luckily I turned away before the futbol could hit me in the head.
"turn away 2" means to be refused from entering. يمنع من الدخول
- The concert sold out and we were turned away.
"turn down 1" means to reject an offer or be rejected. يرفض
"turn down 2" means to decrease the volume of sound. يخفض"الصوت"
Please turn down the radio.
"turn down 3" means to prepare covers on a bed for sleeping. أن تقلب غطاء السرير من جهة الوسادة
- I was turned down for the promotion at work.
"turn down 2" means to decrease the volume of sound. يخفض"الصوت"
Please turn down the radio.
"turn down 3" means to prepare covers on a bed for sleeping. أن تقلب غطاء السرير من جهة الوسادة
- I like staying in hotels because they turn down your bed every night and put a chocolate on your pillow.
"turn up" means to increase the volume of sound. " يرفع أو يزيد "الصوت
- Turn up the radio. I really like this song.
"turn in" means to go to bed. يذهب لينام
- I'm really tired so I'm going to turn in for the night.
"turn out" means how something resulted. كانت نتائجه أن, إتضح أنه، يصبح
- The charity event turned out really well because many people attended.
- The weather turned out fine.
"turn off 1" means to move the switch for deactivation. " يطفئ " النور
- Please turn off the lights when you leave the building to save on electricity.
"turn off 2" means to act in such a poor manner that you are no longer liked.
تجعل شخص لا يحبك أو غير مهتم بسبب شيئ ما قمت به أو شخصيتك
- That girl completely turned me off from dating her again because she was so rude.
"turn on " means to move a switch for activation. " يشعل "النور
- I'm sweating so much I need to turn on the air conditioning.
"turn to 1" to ask someone or organization for help. يلجأ إلى،يطلب مساعدة
- Her family lived a long way away,and she had no one to turn to.
"turn to 2" to find a page in a book. يفتح صفحة في كتاب
- Turn to page 30.