
تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية : عبارات عامية.

"speak his mind" means for someone to say exactly what they are thinking
 يقول ما لديه بصراحة  - أعجبك أولم يعجبك ما يقوله لا يهمه الأمر -  المهم أن يخبرك بذلك بصراحه
  • My mother didn't like the girl I was dating and she spoke her mind, telling me she didn't think she was good for me.

"pull the wool over your eyes" means for someone to deceive someone in order to prevent them from discovering the truth about something
 شخص يحاول خداعك لكي لا تكتشف شيئ ما 
  • I told him to not try and pull the wool over my eyes because I already found out he left school early that day to hang out with his friends.

"up the ante" means for someone to raise the level of risk in something
 رفع سقف التحدي أو الرهان في شيئ ما عنصر الربح فيه أو النجاح به غير معروف  -   يعني يخاطر
  • She decided to up the ante when she started her own business by renting a retail space rather than operating out of her home.

"go off the deep end" means for someone to become very angry about something
 يفقد صوابه  -  يغضب بشدة
  • She went off the deep end when she found out her sister borrowed her most expensive dress without asking her.

"stand my ground" means for someone to be firm about something
 يتشبت بموقفه - لا يغيره مهما حصل
  • He stood his ground and didn't change his mind about not allowing his children to play with their friends until they finished their homework.

"lay it on thick" means for someone to overly compliment someone else, usually because they are trying to manipulate them to do something for them
  يبالغ بمدح شخص ما -  بغية الحصول على شيئ ما منه
  • He laid it on thick, telling her how smart and beautiful she was because he wanted her to write his term paper for him.
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