العامية الأمريكية، إعرف المزيد من عبارات اللهجة الامريكية الشائعة.

Rock the boat
To take actions or express opinions that disturb the status quo or cause issues.
يُثِيرُ/ يُسَبِّب المشَاكل.
Cristiano Ronaldo being accused of raping a woman rocked the boat for his team.
By the book
To adhere strictly to established rules and guidelines.
طبقا للقوانين والتّعليمَات المنصوص والمُتعارَف عليها.
During my probationary period at Apple, I did everything by the book.
Get off on the wrong foot
To make a bad start by saying or doing something offensive or inappropriate.
(أول ما شطح نطح) أول ما شرع في أمر مّا وبدأ فيه أساء.. أي بدأ بداية غير موفقة.
My brother really got off on the wrong foot with my Chinese friend, making derogatory remarks that all Asians are bad drivers.
Dyed in the wool
Referring to someone with deeply ingrained and unchanging beliefs or opinions.
ثَابِتٌ على أمرٍ مَا لا يَحِيدُ عَنْهُ: رَاسِخٌ، مُقيمٌ عَلَيْهِ لَا يُغَيِّرُهُ.
I could never convince my friend to ever eat cheese because she is dyed in the wool vegan.