
4 عبارات أمريكية شائعة الإستخدام.

Push someone's buttons

To intentionally irritate somebody.

يثير استيائه/ غضَبَهُ.

My sister really pushed my buttons making a mess in the kitchen after I spent two hours cleaning it.

Put your foot down

To take a decisive stand or action to put an end to something.

يضع حدًّا لأمرٍ مّا.

I finally had to put my foot down when my friend asked me for money, since I have not been repaid the money I lent him last month.

His heart is in the right place

To have good intentions or a pure motive, even if the outcome is not ideal.

نيَّتهُ صَافيَة.

My brother built my mother a garage that ended up costing her twice as much as it should have, but she is not mad because his heart is in the right place.

Bring something to the table

To contribute valuable or innovative ideas.

أتَى بما ليس مألوفًا أو شائعًا.. أتى بأمْر جَديد؛ أتى بالبَديع المُبتكَر.

I enjoyed working on the project with the design team from Germany because their innovation brought something new to the table.

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