سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Look-

"look for" means to try to find     يبحت عن شيئ ما
  • My father lost his keys and looked for them for 1 hour before finding them.

"look after" means to take care of     يعتني بشيئ أو شخص ما
  • I will be out of town for two weeks and I asked my neighbor to look after my houseplants for me.

"look ahead" means to think about the future     يفكر بالمستقبل،لديه نظرة إستباقية للأمور التي ستحذت
  • Looking ahead to my schedule next week, I see that I won't have time to meet you for lunch.

"look at" means to examine or read something     يعاين أو يفحص ، يتصفح أو يقرأ ، يتدارس
  1. My boss asked me to look at the documents.
  2. Please let me look at the newspaper when you are finished with it.
  3. Management is looking at ways of cutting costs.

"look back" means to think about something from the past    يفكر بأشياء حدثت بالماضي
  • When I look back at my childhood, I remember how happy it was.

"look down on" means to think you are better than someone    يزدري ،يحتقر،يستصغر   
  • My classmates look down on me because my father is a garbageman.

"look forward to" means to be excited about something        يتشوق أو يتطلع إلى
  • The children look forward to the circus coming to town.

"look into" means to study or investigate something thoroughly  يستقصي حول حقيقة أو مشكلة ما                         
  • I am interested in genealogy so I looked into my own family's history.

"look out" means to be careful or to warn someone of possible danger.    ينتبه، ينبه
  1. When you go hiking, remember to look out for snakes.
  2. The man yelled, "Look out a car is coming!"

"look around" means to look at many things before making a purchase.   يلقي نظرة ليرى ما الذي يوجد بمكان ما
  • I went to the electronics store to look around at all the new models of televisions.

"look through" means to read something quickly   يقرأ شيئ ما بدون تعمق،نظرة سريعة
  • I always look through the grocery store advertisement to see what's on sale before I go shopping.

"look to" means to go to someone for help or advice    يلجأ إلى
  • When my car broke down, I looked to my uncle to fix it.

"look up to 1" means to admire someone.  يعجب بشخص ما أو يحترمه
  • She really looks up to her grandfather.

"look up 2" means to improve   يتحسن أو يصبح جيد
  • The financial situation is looking up.

"look up 3" means to raise your head    يرفع رأسه
  • I looked up at the full moon.

"look up 4" means to search for information    يبحث عن شيئ ما بكتاب أو قاموس
  •  If you don't know what a word means, look it up.

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