سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Blow-
"blow off 1" means for an object or person to be moved because of the wind يطير، يطير
- My hat blew off in the wind.
"blow off 2" means for a person to avoid someone or something يتجنب، لا يعيره إهتماما
- I asked her out on a date but she blew me off.
"blow out" means to extinguish a flame "يطفئ "شعلة
- Always blow out lit candles before you go to bed.
"blow up 1" means to inflate with air ينفخ بالهواء أو الغاز
- When my friend visits me, I will blow up the air mattress for him to sleep on.
"blow up 2" means to explode يفجر
- They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.
"blow up 3" means to become extremely angry ينفجر غضبا
- My father will blow up when he sees the high phone bill.
"blow over 1" means to gradually decrease in strength " تنتهي "العاصفة
- The storm should blow over by tonight.
"blow over 2" means to become gradually less important " ينتهي "جدال" أو "خصام
- I will wait for the argument to blow over before I visit my brother again.