سلسلة تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Fall-

"fall apart 1" means for something to end   يفشل أو ينتهي
  • Sadly, their marriage fell apart after 20 years.

"fall apart 2" means to break into pieces  يهترئ أو يتداعى
  • I've had these boots for 10 years and they are beginning to fall apart.

"fall apart 3" means for someone to experience emotional trauma.   ينهار "نفسيا
  • After his wife died, the man fell apart

"fall for" means to be tricked by believing something that isn't true   ينخدع
  • He told her he was an astronaut and she fell for it.

"fall for 2" means to really like someone   يقع في غرامه/ها
  • I started falling for him the moment he said hello to me.

"fall out" means to quarrel or fight with someone.  يتشاجر، يتخاصم
  • She left home after falling out with her family.

"fall through" means to be cancelled  يلغى
  • The deal fell through moments before the client was going to sign the contract.

"fall in with" means to spend time with a person or group of people  يعاشر (رفاق السوء
  • The new student fell in with the bad kids at school.

"fall over" means to lose balance  يقع
  • She nearly fell over as she stepped onto the icy sidewalk.

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