سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة


Inappropriate or offensive.

بذِيءٌ؛ فاحِشٌ.

Off-color jokes are not suitable for a formal event.

Beet red

Very red in the face due to embarrassment or anger.

احْمَرَّ وَجْهُهُ (من شِدَّةِ الغَضَبِ أو الخَجلِ).

When she realized her mistake, she turned beet red.

Black and blue

Bruised and discolored, typically from injury.

مُزْرَقٌ (بسبب رَضَّةٍ أو كَدْمة).

His arm was black and blue after the accident.

Black and white

Clearly defined, with no ambiguity.

محدد بوضوح، بدون أي غموض.

The rules are black and white; there's no room for interpretation.

Black out

Lose consciousness or memory.

غُشِيَ عَلَيْهِ: أُغْمِيَ عَلَيْهِ.

He blacked out during the intense heat of the day.

Black sheep

A family member or individual who is considered different or wayward.

مُبْغَضٌ؛ مَغْضُوبٌ عَلَيْهِ.

He was the black sheep of the family, always getting into trouble.

Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

Born into a wealthy and privileged family.

وُلِد وفي فمهِ مِلْعقة من ذهب: هو من أسرة غنيَّة، مترف ومرفَّه منذ الصِّغر.

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and never had to worry about money.

Catch red-handed

Catch someone in the act of doing something wrong.

مُتَلَبِّسٌ: أُلْقِيَ عليهِ القَبْضُ مُتَلَبِّسًا بِالجَرِيمَةِ.. أي وهُوَ في حالَةِ الجُرْمِ المَشْهُودِ.

The security camera caught the thief red-handed.

Golden opportunity

An excellent and rare chance.

فُرصة ذَهبيَّة / فُرصة لا تُعوَّض.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to showcase your talents.

The green light

Approval or permission to proceed.

(أَعْطَى) الضَّوء الأخضر: مَنَح المُوافَقَة والقَبول.

They finally gave us the green light to start the project.

Green with envy

Extremely jealous.

حَسُودٌ؛ أكل الحَسَدُ قلبَه.

She turned green with envy when she saw her friend's new car.


Skillful or talented in gardening.

ماهر بِشُؤُونِ الزِّراعَةِ.

Her garden is beautiful; she's truly green-fingered.

(Have a) green thumb

Have a natural talent for gardening.

ماهر/ عنده موهبَة بِشُؤُونِ الزِّراعَةِ.

With her green thumb, she can make any plant thrive.

Have the blues

Feel sad or depressed.

حَزْنانُ: مُغْتَمُّ.

I've been having the blues since my pet passed away.


Relating to manual or industrial work.

مصطلح يُطلق على الأعمال اليدويّة الميدانية أو على الأشخاص الّذين يقومون بها كالعمَّال.

He comes from a blue-collar family, and his parents are factory workers.

In the dark

Uninformed or unaware of something.

جَاهِلٌ بِالأمر: لا يعلَمُه.. لم يُطلِعهُ أو يُخبرهُ بِه أحدٌ.

We're still in the dark about the details of the upcoming event.

In the red

Operating at a financial loss.

مَدْيُونٌ أو يُنفِقُ أكثر ممّا يربَح.

The company has been in the red for several quarters.

Once in a blue moon

Very rarely, almost never.

أَمْرٌ نَادِرٌ.

Once in a blue moon, I treat myself to a fancy dinner.

Out of the blue

Unexpectedly or without warning.

على حِين غِرَّة: على غَفْلَةٍ؛ دونَ سَابِقِ إنذَار.

Her phone call came out of the blue.

Red tape

Excessive bureaucracy or administrative procedures.

بيروقراطِيَّةٌ: سَيْطرة الرّوتين الحُكوميّ وأنظمته الجامِدَة.

Dealing with red tape can be frustrating when trying to start a business.


A flight that departs or arrives late at night or early in the morning.

رحلة جويّة تغادر أو تصل في وقت متأخر من الليل أو في الصباح الباكر.

We booked a red-eye flight to save time and money.

A red flag

A warning sign or indication of a problem.

نَاقُوسُ خَطَر.

His constant lateness was a red flag for his employer.

Roll out the red carpet

Treat someone with great hospitality and respect.

رَحَّبَ به تَرْحيبًا: أحسَنَ اسْتِقْباله.

The city rolled out the red carpet for the visiting dignitaries.

Rose-colored glasses

Seeing things in an overly optimistic or positive way.

النّظرة الورديّة: تطلق على الشخص الذي يرى الأمور بإيجابية وتفاؤل مبالغ فيهما.

He tends to wear rose-colored glasses and believes everything will always turn out fine.

See red

Become very angry or enraged.

حَنِقَ: اِشْتَدَّ حَنَقُهُ، غَضَبُهُ، غَيْظُهُ.

When he heard the news, he saw red and couldn't control his anger.

Tickled pink

Extremely pleased or delighted.

مُبْتَهِجٌ: مَسْرُورٌ، سَعِيدٌ، فَرِحٌ.

She was tickled pink when she received the surprise gift.

Show one’s true colors

Reveal one's real character or intentions.

كشف عن شخصيته أو نواياه الحقيقية.

When the pressure is on, people often show their true colors.

White elephant

Something expensive and burdensome to maintain.

الفيل الأبيض: مصطلح يشير إلى أي استثمار أو عقار ذي تكلفة صيانة مرتفعة، ولا يحقق في المقابل أي فائدة أو أرباح مادية تذكر.

The old mansion became a white elephant for the family due to its high upkeep costs.

White lie

A harmless or small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

كِذْبَةٌ بَيْضاءُ: أَيْ دُعابَةٌ أو كذْبَةٌ لا ضَرَرَ فيها أو كَذْبةٌ نافِعةٌ.

He told a white lie to his friend to avoid making her sad.


Relating to professional or office work.

مصطلح يُطلق على الأعمال الذهنيّة والمكتبية أو على الأشخاص الّذين يقومون بها مثل المديرين والمتخصصين.

She works in a white-collar job at a law firm.

White as a ghost

Extremely pale, often due to fear or shock.

شَاحِبَ الوَجْهِ.

After hearing the ghost story, he turned white as a ghost.


Cowardly or lacking courage.

جَبَان: خَوَّاف.

He's too yellow-bellied to confront his problems.

With flying colors

With great success or distinction.

بِنَجَاح؛ بسُهولَة فَائِقَة.

She passed her exam with flying colors and earned top marks.

Paint the town red

Go out and have a wild and enjoyable time.

يَسهر ويقْضِي اللَّيَل في اللَّهْوِ والعَبَثِ.

It's Friday night, let's paint the town red and celebrate!

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