سلسلة تعلّم العامّية الامريكيّة والمصطلحات الإنجليزيّة
- To be a mouthful (جملة أو كلمة) طويلة أو صعبة النُّطق. To be long or difficult to pronounce. My new boss has a Polish last name that's a real mouthful.
- Odd man/woman out مُشِذٌّ: شَذَّ عنِ الجَمَاعَةِ.. انْفَرَدَ عَنْهَا وخَالَفَهَا. Someone or something that is different from the others in a group. Everyone at the party was a vegetarian, but John was the odd man out as he enjoyed a juicy steak. All the students were wearing uniforms except for Mary, who was the odd woman out in her casual clothes.
- In due time فِي الوَقْتِ المُنَاسِبِ: فِي اللَّحْظَةِ المُنَاسِبَةِ. At the appropriate or expected time. In due time, you'll see the results of your hard work.
- To be glued to something مُتَسَمِّرٌ أمامَ: أي مُسْتَغْرِقٌ فِيه.. مَأْخُوذٌ كُلِّيَّةً فِيهِ. To be strongly focused or attached to something. He's glued to his computer all day working on the project.
- To be short on time وقته ضيّق. To have a limited amount of time available. I'd like to go to the gym, but I'm short on time today.
- To be off your rocker اختبلَ: خبِل، جُنَّ. To be insane or crazy. He's been off his rocker ever since his wife left him.
- Bear in mind ضع في الاعتبار: فكَّر فيه، ضعهُ في حساباتك. Remember or consider something. Bear in mind that the weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow.
- To have a good eye لَهُ عَيْنٌ نَافِذَةٌ: بَصِيرَةٌ بالأَشْيَاءِ... خَبِيرَةٌ عَالِمَةٌ بالأمور. To be skilled at recognizing quality or potential. She has a good eye for vintage clothing; she always finds unique pieces.
- To touch base with someone يتواصل مع: (غالبًا لفترة وجيزة). To contact or communicate with someone to exchange information. I'll touch base with him to discuss the project details.
- I wouldn't trade it for the world قيمتُه (عندك) لَا تُقَدَّرُ بِثَمَنٍ: تَفُوقُ كُلَّ ثَمَنٍ. I value it so much that I wouldn't exchange it for anything. I wouldn't trade it for the world; my family means everything to me.
- To save face صَانَ مَاءَ وَجْهِهِ. To avoid embarrassment or humiliation. To save face, he pretended he meant to make that mistake.
- Enough to feed an army نستعمل هذه العبارة لنصف بها كَمِّيَّة الطَّعام على أنها كبيرة وكافية. A very large quantity of food. The pot of stew was enough to feed an army; there were leftovers for days.
- Needless to say من نَافِلَةِ القَوْلِ: مِمّا لا حاجة لذكرهِ لأنّه واضح جدًّا. Obvious and not requiring explanation. Needless to say, she was thrilled when she got the job offer.
- To crash at someone's place باتَ في منزل أحدهم: قَضَى لَيْلَتَهُ عندَهُ. To stay overnight at someone's home. I'm going to crash at Sarah's place after the party since it's late.
- To call it quits أقْلَعَ عن؛ تَوَقَّفَ عن؛ كَفَّ عن. To decide to stop doing something or give up. After hours of arguing, they decided to call it quits.