
تعرف على أكثر العبارات الأمريكية شيوعا في اللغة الإنجليزية.

"hit and miss" means for the quality of something to be inconsistent
 تستعمل عندما جودة شيئ ما تكون: مرة جيدة ـ مرة سيئة، مثلا خدمة الفندق مرة تكون جيدة و مرة أخرى سيئة، the service at the hotel I stayed at on my vacation was really hit and miss.
  • The vegetables at the grocery store in town are hit and miss.

"no strings attached" means for someone to be free of any obligations after receiving something
 بدون مقابل
  • My uncle gave me his old car, no strings attached, so I would have a way of getting to my job.

"to get cold feet" means to change your mind about something due to being nervous
 يرفض الخوض في شيئ ما لسبب ما؛ يغير رأيه.
  • She was going to marry him, but got cold feet and gave him the ring back.

"show true colors" means for someone to reveal who they really are through their actions
 يظهر على حقيقته
  • When I needed her by my side while I was grieving my father's death, she showed her true colors, and was always too busy to comfort me.

"up in the air" means for something to not be confirmed or definite
 لم أتخد قرار بشأنه بعد؛ لم أقرر بعد؛ ما زال معلقا
  • My camping trip is up in the air because I might have work this weekend.
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