العامية الأمريكية: تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية كما يفعل الأمريكيين.

Don't dish out what you can't take
Don't criticize others if you can't accept being criticized.
شخص ينتقد الأخرين، لكنه يرفض أن يتم إنتقاده من طرفهم
My friend dishes it out about me being wasteful with my money, but when I point out the same thing about him he can not take it and becomes angry with me.
I have bigger fish to fry
When someone has a more important issue to deal with.
لديه أمور أهم تشغله
I asked my best friend to repair the loose step on my staircase, but he told me he has bigger fish to fry and needs to repair his car first.
It's a breeze
Very easy to do.
شيء ما سهل جدا
My friend is not worried about passing his exam because he said it was a breeze.
Bury the hatchet
To end an argument or a dispute.
يسوي خلاف بإنهائه، يتصالح، يعقد صلحا
I felt bad about being angry with my sister for two years, so one day I called her up and said let's bury the hatchet.
Off the wall
Unusual or strange.
خارج عن المألوف، غير طبيعي
It's surprising when President Trump says something that is not off the wall.