
عبارات عامية: 7 تعبيرات أمريكية مهمة.

Commonly Used American  Expressions in Daily Life

" Blow a gasket "
Meaning: To get upset, very angry.
 يستشيط غضبا، فقد صوابه
  • Lots of Americans blew a gasket after Trump won the election.

" Word on the street "
Meaning: A rumor that lots of people talk about.
 شائعة رائجة بين الناس
  • The word on the street is that Lester is running for mayor of our town.

" Fit the bill "
Meaning: When something is good for you and covers all your needs.
يفي بالغرض أو ملائم
  • Her new goose down jacket fits the bill for being outside in the snow.

" Bury head in the sand "
Meaning: To avoid or ignore something mostly because you can't deal with it.
 نعني بها شخص يتحاشى أو يتجنب التعامل مع شيئ ما لأنه شيئ سيئ. بمعنى لا يواجه حقيقة الأمر و يتقبلها
  • After she got pregnant out of wedlock, she couldn't continue to bury her head in the sand and had to tell her parents about it.

" Right up on my alley "
Meaning : Something that you understand or know about.
 نعني بها أن شيئ ما تجيده، تفهمه ، في نطاق تخصصك ، تحب القيام به
  • Finally, I found the job that is right up my alley.

" Pick yourself up off the floor "
Meaning: To make improvements after you have been in difficult times.
 أن تحسن من وضعيتك بعد مرورك من فترات صعبة , يتجاوز أو يتخطى الأمر.
  • My first day on the job was so hard, but after I picked myself up off the floor I got used to it.

" In hot water "
Meaning: To be in a difficult or troublesome situation.
في موقف حرج أو صعب
  • Trump found himself  in hot water during his debate with Hillary after he mentioned racist comments about Muslims.

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