
تعلم جمل عامية متداولة

"rolling in dough" means to be wealthy
 تمتلك أموال طائلة،غني جدا
  •  "That guy must be rolling in dough if he's able to afford to drive a Lamborghini."

"bend over backwards" means to put forth great effort
  أن تعمل جاهدا لإرضاء شخص أو القيام بعمل ما
  •  "I can tell he really likes her because he bends over backwards to make her happy."

"walking on thin ice" means Being close to getting into trouble or being in danger
يخاطر،أو أنك في مشاكل من قبل و لن يقبل منك مشكل أخر
  • "She is walking on thin ice showing up late for work two days this week."

"jump the gun" means to act in a hasty manner 
 أن تتسرع في أخد القرار
  • "I prefer to hear his opinion on a subject first, and not jump the gun, before I make my final decision."

"snow job" means a deceptive or insincere way of talking 
 أن تقنع شخص ما حول شيئ ما بطريقة مخادعة
  • "I think the used car salesman was giving us a snow job when he told us the car had never been in an accident."

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