
تعلم العامية الأمريكية : 20 عبارة شائعة الإستخدام

"skeleton in the closet" means that someone has a big secret they don't want revealed
 تعني أن شخص لذيه :  سر كبير يخفيه ولا يريد كشفه
  • We thought we really knew him but we found out he has many skeletons in his closet.

"put your two cents in" means for someone to give their opinion on something
 يدلي برأيه ،  يعطي رأيه حول شيئ ما
  • He put his two cents in even though she didn't ask him for advice.

"spring to mind" means for someone to have an idea suddenly
 يخطر بالبال
  • When I see trash along the road, careless lazy people spring to mind.

"throw a wrench in" means for someone or something to create an obstacle in something
 تعني أن شيئ أو شخص ما :  يعرقل تقدم أو نجاح شيئ ما
  • The rainy weather threw a wrench in my plans to go to the beach.

"have spring in your step" means for someone to be full of energy
 تعني أن شخص :  مليئ بالحيوية و النشاط
  • The old lady has a lot of spring in her step.

"to have a sweet tooth" means for someone to crave things that contain sugar such as candy, cookies, and ice cream.
 شخص يشتهي أكل الأشياء الحلوة
  • My grandmother has a sweet tooth, so she always has desert after she eats dinner.

"a new lease on life" means for someone to gain energy and enthusiasm that they were lacking
 يحيى من جديد أو ينبعث من جديد
  • Joining the book club and making new friends gave the old woman a new lease on life.

"beating a dead horse" means that someone is wasting time and energy on something that can not be changed
 كمن يصب الماء بالرمل ، بمعنى كل ما يفعله بدون طائل ؛ لن يتغير شيئ
  • I told her she is beating a dead horse, asking her internet provider to lower her monthly bill.

"a drop in the bucket" means for something to be a small amount compared to what is actually needed
 تستعمل لتقول بأن شيئ ما :  قليل جدا بالمقارنة مع ما تحتاجه
  • The donations the church received to help refugees is a drop in the bucket because it will only cover food expenses and not housing.

"toot your own horn" means for someone to brag about their own talents
 يتبجح أو يتفاخر
  • My brother always toots his own horn by reminding me of every time he fixed something for me.

 "won't touch with a ten foot pole" means that someone does not want to be involved with something

 تعني أن شخص يتجنب أو لا يريد الخوض في شيئ ما أو أن يكون على إرتباط بشيئ ما -  يبقى بعيد عن شيئ ما
  • Discussing politics with my in-laws is a subject I don't touch with a ten foot pole.

"spring for" means for someone to pay for something
 يدفع أو يؤدي ثمن شيئ ما
  • I'll spring for lunch today since you paid last time.

"give someone the third degree" means to interrogate someone
 يستجوب أو يستنطق شخص ما
  • He gave me the third degree about the chicken missing from the plate.

"spring into action" means for someone to do something quickly
 يتحرك أو يبدأ بالقيام بشيئ ما بسرعة
  • As soon as I saw the toddler running into the street, I sprung into action and scooped him up.

"take it with a grain of salt" means for someone to not believe something completely or be skeptical
لا يصدق كل ما يقال له ، يعني يسمع و لكن مع بعض الشك في صحة ما سمع
  • You should always take what Alex says with a grain of salt 

"a home away from home" means for someone to feel completely comfortable and at ease
 يستعمل هذا التعبير حينما شخص يشعر بالراحة و الإطمئنان بمكان ما.
  • I like my new job so much, it's like a home away from home.

"tempest in a teapot" means for a great commotion to occur over something of minor importance
هرج و مرج / جلبة على شيئ فاضي وتافه
  • What celebrities wear has become a tempest in a teapot, taking up too much space in our media when we should be informed of things like social injustices.

"let the cat out of the bag" means for someone to reveal information or tell a secret
 يكشف أو يفشي السر
  • I didn't want anyone to know just yet that I am quitting my job and moving to a new city but my sister let the cat out of the bag and told our entire family.

"scratch someone's back" means to do a favor for someone
 يقوم بمعروف أو خدمة لشخص ما
  • I'll scratch your back if you help me clean up after the party.

"hit the nail on the head" means for someone to say the right thing or guess correctly
 يصيب أو يخمن صح
  • She guessed the reason for my distraction was because I was watching a futbol match while talking with her and I admitted she hit the nail on the head.
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