
أهم العبارات الإنجليزية المستعملة في اللغة الإنجليزية.

"break the mold" means for someone or something to be unique or different
 نستعمل هذا التعبير لنقول عن شخص بأنه مميز و مختلف  -  أو قام بشيئ مختلف و جديد
  • The magazine broke the mold by hiring an 80 year old woman to be a fashion model.

"raining buckets"/ "coming down" means that it's raining heavily
 التعبيرين معا لها نفس المعنى :  المطر يهطل بغزارة  -  تمطر بغزارة
  • It's raining buckets and I'm worried the creek will overflow.
  • It's really coming down out there, so I will go shopping later.

"for the birds" means that something is stupid or unimportant
 يستعمل هذا التعبير لتقول عن شيئ ما بأنه  :  تافه  -  لا قيمة أو معنى له
  • The idea you had to wash white shirts and jeans together was for the birds because now all my shirts are blue.

"when hell freezes over" means that something will never happen
 يستعمل هذا التعبير لتقول عن شيئ ما :   بأنه لن يحصل أبدا
  • He told me he'll watch a movie that contains sexual scenes with his parents when hell freezes over.

"put up your dukes" means someone is being challenged to a fight
 عندما يقول لك شخص هذا التعبير فهو يتحداك  للعراك أو للقتال
  • I heard you speak to my girlfriend inappropriately and you should not have done that. Put up your dukes!
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