تعلم 25 مصطلح أمريكي شائع الإستخدام.
أُلْقِيَ عَلَيْهِ القَبْضُ مُتَلَبِّسًا.
Caught or exposed doing something wrong.
He got busted for cheating on the test.
"Have a Blast"
قضى وقتا ممتعًا.
Have a lot of fun.
We had a blast at the party last night.
An attractive person.
She's a real looker.
"In / In Thing"
رائج؛ شائع بين عامة الناس.
Something that is currently popular or fashionable.
Wearing vintage clothes is in these days.
"Off the Hook 1"
حرٌّ؛ أطلق صراحه؛ أخلي سبيله.
No longer in trouble or responsibility.
I'm glad I got off the hook for that mistake.
"Off the Hook 2"
Excellent or outstanding.
The concert last night was off the hook.
That skateboard trick was sick!
"Epic Fail"
فشل فشلاً ذريعًا.
A massive or spectacular failure.
His attempt at a backflip was an epic fail.
مفتول العضلات.
Muscular or having well-defined muscles.
He's been working out, and now he's ripped.
ينهي علاقته الغرامية مع شخص أخر.
To end a relationship.
She's going to dump him because all he wants to do is watch futbol matches.
مُتَقَلِّبٌ لَا يَثْبُتُ عَلَى رأيٍ.
Indecisive or lacking determination.
Don't be so wishy-washy. Make a decision.
Talk a lot or reveal secrets
She can't keep a secret; she's always blabbing.
"bankers' hours"
يعمل ساعات قليلة بالشّغل.
For someone to not have a long work day.
I work bankers' hours so I am able to take evening classes at a local college.
"Fender Bender"
حادث سيرٍ بسيط لا يدعو إلى للقلق.
A minor car accident resulting in minor damage.
Luckily, it was just a fender bender and nobody was injured.
"Blind Date"
موعد غرامي أول بين شخصين يدبّر من طرف ثالت؛ أي أن شخص أخر من يلاقيك أنت و ذاك الشخص.
A date with someone you've never met before.
I'm going on a blind date tonight. I hope it goes well.
"Bread and Butter"
مصدر رزقك و عيشك.. مصدر قوتك اليومي.
The main source of income or livelihood.
His bread and butter comes from his job as a chef.
"Big Shot"
شخص بارز - مهم - ذو نفود - صانع قرار - ذو شأن - له تأثير.
An important or successful person.
She's a big shot in the entertainment industry.
"Have Crush On"
مفتون أو مغرم بـ.
To have romantic feelings for someone.
I have a crush on my coworker; she's really nice.
"Wet Blanket"
الشخص الدي يفسد و يعكر متعة الأخرين و فرحتهم ، شخص مضجر، ممل و كئيب.
Someone who dampens the enthusiasm or fun of others.
Don't be such a wet blanket. Let's enjoy the party.
"Kid Around"
يمزح أو يمرح.
To joke or play in a light-hearted manner.
We like to kid around with each other at work.
"Play Hooky"
يتغيب عن المدرسة أو الشغل بدون إذن.
To skip work or school without permission.
I used to play hooky to go to the beach.
"In a Nutshell"
باختصار؛ بوجيز العبارة.
In summary or briefly
In a nutshell, the project was a success.
"Sharp 1"
فطن؛ ذكي.
Smart or intelligent
He's a sharp student; he always gets top grades.
"Sharp 2"
جذّاب؛ حسن المظهر.
For someone or something to be stylish.
He looks really sharp in his new suit.
"Bottom Line"
القرار النِّهائي؛ النتيجة النّهائية؛ الخلاصة هي؛ المحصّلة النهائية (عندما تتحدت عن الأرباح).
The final result or essential matters.
The bottom line is that we need to increase sales.