كلمات عامية - جزء ثاني
لا شيء.
Nothing at all.
He doesn't know zip about computers.
"Veg Out"
To relax or enjoy leisure time.
After a long day at work, I like to veg out on the couch.
"Up for Grabs"
Available to anyone or obtainable.
The latest version of Grand Theft Auto is up for grabs.
Damaged or destroyed completely.
The car was in such a bad accident; it's totaled.
"Screw Around"
To fool around or engage in aimless activity.
My father thinks I screw around all day in my room chatting online.
"Scarf Down"
يَزْدَرِدُ الطَّعامَ ازْدِرادًا.
To eat quickly or without stopping.
He was so hungry that he scarfed down the pizza in minutes.