كلمات عامية - جزء ثاني

  • "Zip"

    لا شيء.

    Nothing at all.

    He doesn't know zip about computers.

  • "Veg Out"


    To relax or enjoy leisure time.

    After a long day at work, I like to veg out on the couch.

  • "Up for Grabs"


    Available to anyone or obtainable.

    The latest version of Grand Theft Auto is up for grabs.

  • "Totaled"


    Damaged or destroyed completely.

    The car was in such a bad accident; it's totaled.

  • "Screw Around"


    To fool around or engage in aimless activity.

    My father thinks I screw around all day in my room chatting online.

  • "Scarf Down"

    يَزْدَرِدُ الطَّعامَ ازْدِرادًا.

    To eat quickly or without stopping.

    He was so hungry that he scarfed down the pizza in minutes.

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