كلمات ومصطلحات عامية إنجليزية يجب أن تعرفها!

  • "Rinky-Dink"

    عَادِيٌّ؛ ردِيءٌ؛ غير احترافي؛ مُتَوَسِّطٌ الجودَة.

    Simple, trivial, unsophisticated, or of poor quality.

    Their rinky-dink website crashed when too many people tried to access it at once, causing frustration among customers.

  • "Prolly"

    مِنَ المُحْتَمَلِ أَنْ: مِنَ المُمْكِنِ؛ مِنَ المُرَجَّحِ.

    A colloquial and slang term for "probably."

    I prolly won't be able to go to the party tonight.

  • "Redneck"

    عبارة قدحيّة: رِيفِيٌّ مُتَخَلِّفٌ.

    A derogatory term used to describe an unsophisticated or rural person.

    He's just a redneck from the South who doesn't know much about the world.

  • "Hick"

    عبارة قدحيّة: رِيفِيٌّ مُتَخَلِّفٌ.

    A derogatory term used to describe an unsophisticated or rural person.

    They called him a hick because he had never been to the city.

  • "Hillbilly"

    رِيفِيٌّ؛ جَبَلِيٌّ؛ قَرَوِيٌّ.

    A person from a remote, mountainous region.

    Some folks consider anyone from the countryside a hillbilly.
    Being called a hillbilly doesn't bother him; he's proud of his rural roots.

  • "Putz"

    أَحْمَقُ، أَهْوَجُ.

    A foolish or annoying person.

    Stop being such a putz and help out.

  • "Whip"


    A car.

    Nice whip! Is it new?

  • "Jacked"

    عَضِلٌ: قَوِيُّ البِنْيَةِ؛ قَوِيُّ العَضَلَاتِ.

    Muscular or well-built.

    He's been working out; now he's jacked.

  • "Zonked"

    مُنْهَكُ القُوَى: مَنْهوكٌ؛ تَعِبٌ.

    Extremely tired or exhausted.

    After a long day at work, I was completely zonked.

  • "Cliffhanger"

    نهاية مُشَوِّقَة/ تشوِيق.

    An exciting ending or a situation where the outcome is uncertain.

    The movie ended with a cliffhanger, leaving us in suspense.

  • "Lit"


    Great or exciting.

    That party last night was so lit!

  • "Juicy"

    تُسيلُ اللُّعابَ.. أي مشوِّقة.

    Used to describe information or gossip that is exciting, interesting, or full of compelling details.

    I heard some juicy gossip about the new boss.

    Tell me the juicy details about what happened at the party last night.

  • "Cheesy"

    تَافِهٌ؛ زائِفٌ؛ مُتَكَلِّفٌ؛ بَهْرَجٌ؛ رَدِيءٌ.

    Inauthentic, overly sentimental, or of poor quality.

    The movie was so cheesy; it made me cringe.

  • "Wack"

    رَدِيءٌ؛ دون المُستَوى.

    Bad, unimpressive, or of poor quality.

    That movie was wack.

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