كلمات عامية - جزء ثالت.

  • "Bummed"

    محبط أو مكتئب.

    Feeling disappointed or down.

    I was really bummed when the concert got canceled.

  • "Buying"


    To accept or believe.

    I'm not buying the story he told me how he got a dent in the car.

  • "Dead"

    راكِدٌ؛ كاسدٌ؛ غير رائج.

    Lifeless or not interesting.

    The new restaurant is always dead inside. It must have terrible food.

  • "Decked Out"

    مُتَأَنِّقٌ؛ مزيَّنٌ.

    Dressed or decorated extravagantly.

    My friend is all decked out. he must have a date tonight.

  • "Ditch"

    يتخلّص من أو يهجر.

    To get rid of.

    He decided to ditch the old car and buy a new one.

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