أهم الاختصارات الشائعة في اللغة الإنجليزية
- UR You Are أنت؛ إنّك. UR the best!
- FYI For Your Information لأحيطكَ عِلْمًا بالأمر. Just FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled to tomorrow.
- ASAP As Soon As Possible في أقرب وقتٍ ممكن. ASAP, please!
- LMAO Laughing My Ass Off انْفَجَرَ ضَحِكًا: ضحِك ضَحِكاً شديداً. LMAO, that's hilarious!
- ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing يَتَمَرَّغُ على الأرض من شدَّة الضّحك. ROFL, can't stop laughing!
- LOL Laugh Out Loud انْفَجَرَ ضَحِكًا: ضَحِكَ بِصَوْتٍ مُرْتَفِعٍ. LOL, that's so funny!
- BRB Be Right Back سأعود حالًا. BRB, I'll be back in a minute.
- LMK Let Me Know أعلمنِي؛ أطلعني؛ أخبرنِي. LMK if you need anything.
- TBH To Be Honest بصَرَاحَة. TBH, I didn't like the movie.
- BTW By The Way بالمُنَاسَبَة؛ على فكرَة. BTW, did you hear the news?
Get Outta Here
(An exclamation of surprise, disbelief, or incredulity.) لا يمكن! أحقًّا! لا أصدّقُك! GOH, you're joking! -
Oh My God
يا إلهي.
(تقال للتعبير عن الدهشة او الغضب) OMG, that's amazing! - THX Thanks شكرًا. THX for the help!
- ILY I Love You أحبُّك. ILY so much!
- IMO In My Opinion في اعتقادي: في رأيي. IMO, it's the best choice.
- IMHO In My Humble Opinion في اعتقادي: في رأيي المتواضع. IMHO, it's not worth it.
- BC Because بسَبَب؛ لأنَّ. BC I said so.
- PPL People النّاس. PPL often gather in parks for picnics.
- IDK I Don't Know لا أدْرِي. IDK what to do.
- IDC I Don't Care لا أُبالي؛ لا أهتّم؛ لا أكترِث. IDC about that.
- BFN Bye For Now إلى المُلْتَقَى. BFN, see you later!
- AKA Also Known As يُعْرَفُ أَيْضًا بِـ. John Smith, AKA "The Professor," is a famous author.
- AFAIK As Far As I Know حسب علمي. AFAIK, it's not confirmed.
- B4 Before قَبْل؛ من قَبْلُ. B4 we leave.
- BCOZ Because بسبب. BCOZ of the weather.
Best Friend Forever
A very close friend. أعَزُّ الأصدقاء. BFF, always there for me. - XO Hugs and Kisses يستعمل عند نهاية الرسائل المكتوبة كتعبير عن الحب. XO, love you!
- GF Girlfriend حَبيبَةٌ. I'm going out with my GF to celebrate our anniversary.
- DM Direct Message (ابعث/أرسل) رسالة خاصّة. DM me for details.
- W/ With معَ؛ برُفقَة. W/ my friends.
- JK Just Kidding إنّني أَمْزَحُ فحسب. I can't believe you fell for that! JK 😄
You Only Live Once
(Used to encourage people to take risks, pursue their dreams, and live life to the fullest.) لا يحيا المرء إلاّ حياةً واحدة.
(يستعمل للتّعبير على أن الحياة قصيرة وبأنه ينبغي لنا استغلالها كما يجب.) YOLO, let's go on that adventure we've always talked about! -
Hit Me Up
(“contact me” or “call me.”) راسلني/اتّصل بي. HMU if you want to grab coffee this weekend. - NP No Problem لا مشكلَة. NP, I can help you with that task.
- YW You're Welcome على الرُّحْبِ والسَّعَةِ. YW, it was my pleasure to help!
- NBD No Big Deal ليس بالأمر الجَلَل. NBD, it was just a minor mistake.
- OMW On My Way في طَرِيقِي إلى: أَيْ مُتَّجِهٌ إلى. OMW to the meeting, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
- NVM Never Mind لا تَقْلَق؛ انْسَ الموضوع؛ لا تَهْتَمّ. NVM, I found the information I needed.
- IRL In Real Life في الوَاقِع. I know you from the online gaming world, but I'd love to meet you IRL.
- TMI Too Much Information معلومات كثيرَة. TMI, I didn't need to hear all those details about your medical condition.
For Real
(Used to emphasize the sincerity, truthfulness, or seriousness of a statement or situation.) حَقًّا! صِدقاً! (عن جَدْ!). Person A: "I can't believe I won the lottery!"
Person B: "FR? That's amazing!" - YNK You Never Know ما أَدْراك/ وما يُدْرِيكَ. YNK what the future holds, so enjoy the present.
- GOAT Greatest of All Time الأفضَل على مرِّ العصور. Michael Jordan is often considered the GOAT in basketball history.
- FOMO Fear of Missing Out الخوف من أن يفوتك شيء يحدث في المجتمع من حولك؛ وبشكل خاص على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي. FOMO can make people anxious about not being part of a social event or activity.
- ICYMI In Case You Missed It لِلتَّذْكيِرِ. ICYMI, there was a big announcement about the new product launch yesterday.
- FWIW For What It's Worth لا أعرف ما إذا كان ما سأقوله ذا قيمة أو سيضيف شيئا، لكن... FWIW, I think the blue color would look better on the logo.
- SMH Shaking My Head أنْغَضَ رَأْسَهُ: حَرَّكَهُ وهزَّهُ يمينًا وشمالًا مُتَعَجِّبًا منَ أمرٍ مّا أو رافِضًا لمنكَرٍ مّا. SMH, I can't believe they made that mistake again.
- IIRC If I Recall Correctly إن لم تخني الذاكرة. IIRC, the meeting is scheduled for 2 PM tomorrow.
- TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read مُطَوَّلٌ؛ لم أقرأه. TL;DR - The article was too lengthy, so I just skimmed through it.
- TTYL Talk To You Later سأتحدث إليك لاحقًا. TTYL, I have to go now, but we'll chat later!
Répondez S'il Vous Plaît
(Please Respond) الرجاء الرد. RSVP by October 15th to confirm your attendance at the event. - DOB Date of Birth تاريخ الميلاد. Please provide your DOB on the registration form.
- TBA To Be Announced سيُعلَنُ عنه لاحقًا. The details for the event are TBA. Stay tuned for updates.
- TBC To Be Confirmed سيتم تأكيده لاحقًا. The venue for the conference is TBC. We will provide more details soon.
- DIY Do It Yourself اعمله/اصنعه بنفسك. DIY projects can be a fun way to customize your home decor.
- AWOL Absent Without Leave غائب بدون إذن/إجازة. The soldier went AWOL from the base without permission.
- FAQ Frequently Asked Questions الأسئلة المُتكررة. You can find answers to common queries in the FAQ section of our website.
- RIP Rest in Peace ارقد في سلام. Our thoughts are with the family of the departed. May they RIP.
- VIP Very Important Person شخصيّة بارزة. The event has a special section reserved for VIP guests.
- TGIF Thank God It's Friday أخيرًا إنّه يوم الجمعة. TGIF! It's the end of the workweek, and the weekend is here.
- WYD What (are) you doing ماذا تفعل؟ WYD tonight? Let's catch up!