تعلّم سبع عبارات أساسية بالعامية الأمريكية

Dig one's own grave To do something that will ultimately lead to one's own downfall or ruin. جنَى على نفسِه I don't feel sorry for him getting fired. He dug his own grave by consistently showing up late and neglecting his work responsibilities.
Spill one's guts To reveal or confess something very personal, private, or deeply emotional. باحَ بـ/ أفْضَى بِـ During the interview, the celebrity spilled her guts about her struggles with addiction.
Like a bat out of hell Used to describe doing something with great speed, urgency, or intensity. باندِفاع؛ بسُرْعَة شديدة When the fire alarm went off, everyone evacuated the building like a bat out of hell.
Graveyard shift Used to describe working during the late-night hours, typically from around midnight to early morning. مُنَاوَبَة عمَل ليليَّة She's a nurse who works the graveyard shift at the hospital.
A snowball's chance in hell This expression means that something is highly unlikely or almost impossible to happen. مِنَ الْمُسْتَحِيلِ أَن With his lack of experience and qualifications, he has a snowball's chance in hell of getting hired for that job.
Make someone's blood boil To cause someone to feel intense anger, frustration, or outrage. أَشْعَلَ فلاناً: هيَّج غضبه؛ أَغْضَبَهُ أَشَدَّ الْغَضَبِ Her disrespectful comments made his blood boil, and he couldn't help but confront her.
Dead on one's feet To be extremely exhausted or tired. عَيَّانٌ: تَعِبٌ، يَشْعُرُ بِالتَّعَبِ الشَّديدِ After working three consecutive night shifts, she felt dead on her feet and could barely keep her eyes open.