تعلّم سبع عبارات أساسية بالعامية الأمريكية

  • Dig one's own grave To do something that will ultimately lead to one's own downfall or ruin. جنَى على نفسِه I don't feel sorry for him getting fired. He dug his own grave by consistently showing up late and neglecting his work responsibilities.

  • Spill one's guts To reveal or confess something very personal, private, or deeply emotional. باحَ بـ/ أفْضَى بِـ During the interview, the celebrity spilled her guts about her struggles with addiction.

  • Like a bat out of hell Used to describe doing something with great speed, urgency, or intensity. باندِفاع؛ بسُرْعَة شديدة When the fire alarm went off, everyone evacuated the building like a bat out of hell.

  • Graveyard shift Used to describe working during the late-night hours, typically from around midnight to early morning. مُنَاوَبَة عمَل ليليَّة She's a nurse who works the graveyard shift at the hospital.

  • A snowball's chance in hell This expression means that something is highly unlikely or almost impossible to happen. مِنَ الْمُسْتَحِيلِ أَن With his lack of experience and qualifications, he has a snowball's chance in hell of getting hired for that job.

  • Make someone's blood boil To cause someone to feel intense anger, frustration, or outrage. أَشْعَلَ فلاناً: هيَّج غضبه؛ أَغْضَبَهُ أَشَدَّ الْغَضَبِ Her disrespectful comments made his blood boil, and he couldn't help but confront her.

  • Dead on one's feet To be extremely exhausted or tired. عَيَّانٌ: تَعِبٌ، يَشْعُرُ بِالتَّعَبِ الشَّديدِ After working three consecutive night shifts, she felt dead on her feet and could barely keep her eyes open.

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