مجموعة من أهم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية.

Frequently used Phrasal Verbs

"wind up 1" means to turn a key in something that has a (mainspring) .
 يدير مفتاح شيئ ما :    إضغط هنا لتفهم أكثر
  • I wind up the music box at bedtime in the baby's room so he falls asleep faster.

"wind up 2" means for someone to become hyperactive and full of energy
 يصبح مفرط النشاط
  • I have felt wound up all day, i shouldn't have drank that second cup of coffee this morning.

"wind up 3"  arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, or place.
 ينتهي به الأمر ب ، يكون مٱله شيئ ما
  •  she wound up behind bars for a crime she didn't commit.

"wind down 1" means for something to come to an end
 يشارف على الإنتهاء
  • The reception is winding down so let's give our best wishes to the bride and groom before they leave.

"wind down 2" means for someone to get in a relaxed state
  • I didn't feel like going out last night. Instead I wound down at home reading a book.

"hook up (with) 1" means for someone to help you get  something that you need.
 تساعد شخص في الحصول علي شيئ ما يريده أو يحتاجه
  • Can you hook me up with a custom tailored suit?

"hook up 2" means to connect something to something else
 يوصل شيئ بشيئ أخر : مثلا يوصل خرطوم المياه مع الصنبور
  • I make certain my trailer is securely hooked up to my truck before I start driving.

"hook up 3" means for someone to have an intimate encounter
 يقيم أو تقيم علاقة غير شرعية مع غرباء
  • After her husband found out she has been hooking up behind his back he filed for divorce.

"hook up 4" means to meet someone somewhere
 يلتقي شخص ما بمكان ما
  •  I'll hook up with you later at the coffee shop.

"tune in"  means for someone to listen
 ينصت ل : مثال  برنامج إداعي
  • I tuned in to the radio program because my favorite author was being interviewed.

"tune out" means for someone to not listen to someone or to ignore sounds , movements near or around him.
 يتجاهل ما يجري حوله من ضوضاء و حركة أو لا ينصت لشخص ما
  • When my dad starts yelling at me, I tune him out.

"tune up" means  for someone to perform maintenance on something to keep it working optimally
 يقوم بصيانة شيئ ما :: شيئ لديه محرك كالسيارة مثلا
  • I had my mechanic tune up my car before I drove it a long distance.

"drag around" means for someone or something to be taken from place to place
 يتنقل بشخص أو شيئ ما من مكان لأخر - يأخده معه من مكان لأخر
  • My dog Joey drags around a stuffed squirrel everywhere.
  •  Don't tell me that you're going to drag me around from store to store !

"scoop up" means for someone to pick up someone or something
 يرفع شيئ أو شخص ؛  يحمله
  • Please scoop up your dirty clothes and put them in the hamper.

"scoop out" means to remove something that is inside something else
 يزيل شيئ من داخل شيئ أخر : المثال الأول ::: يجوف داخل شيئ ما : المثال الثاني
  • I always scoop out the carrots from my soup because I don't like them.
  • Cut the watermelon in half and scoop out the flesh
scoop out seeds
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