تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية-جمل عامية تستعمل بكثرة
"out of the blue" means unexpectedly على نحو غير متوقع
- "My former girlfriend called me out of the blue after not hearing from her for several months."
- "I like dramatic movies. Comedies are not my cup of tea."
"salt of the earth" means to be a good person شخص جيد و صادق
- "My friend is the salt of the earth, always helping others."
"two peas in a pod" means to be inseparable متطابقان في كل شيئ؛ كأنهم شخص واحد
- "When we were children, we were like two peas in a pod doing everything together."
"piece of cake" means to be simple or easy في المتناول و سهل
- "the exam was a piece of cake."
"rotten egg" means untrustworthy شخص غير موتوق و إستغلالي
- "That guy is a rotten egg, always lying and manipulating."
"eat a horse" means to be extremely hungry تستعمل للتعبير عن الجوع الشديد
- "I hope dinner is ready because I could eat a horse."
"monkey around" means to be playful يقوم بسلوك صبياني أو غير جدي
- the children were bored and started monkeying around.