سلسلة تعلم أهم الصفات في اللغة الإنجليزية - جزء خامس
- "careful with" مُنتَبهٌ إلى Exercising caution or being attentive to something. Be careful with the way you hold that knife because it's very sharp.
- "certain about" واثق من Having confidence or being sure about something. I'm certain about being able to sleep until 9 am and still make it to class on time.
- "clever at" بارع ب؛ ذكي Skillful or intelligent in a particular area. He's very clever at solving calculus equations quickly.
- "connected with" على صلة ب Having a relationship or association with something or someone. I hope to stay connected with my friend even if I move to another state.
- "conscious of" واع ب Aware or mindful of something. Always remain conscious of taking care of the environment for future generations.
- "content with" قانع ب؛ راض عن Satisfied or pleased with a particular situation or outcome. He feels content with the long and happy life he has lived.
- "crowded with" مزدحم ب Filled or occupied by a large number of people or things. The mall was crowded with shoppers buying Christmas presents.
- "curious about" لديه فضول حول Eager to learn or know more about something. He was curious about learning how to build his own furniture, so he asked a carpenter to teach him.
- "dissatisfied with" غير راض عن؛ مستاء من Unhappy or displeased with a particular situation or outcome. Many people are dissatisfied with the lack of customer service in today's airline industry.
- "doubtful about" شاك في؛ غير متأكد من Uncertain or skeptical about something. I'm doubtful about our team winning the match this weekend.
- "delighted with" مبتهج من؛ مسرور من Extremely pleased or happy about something. We are delighted with the news that our daughter is graduating at the top of her class.
- "derived from" مشتقٌّ من Originating or coming from a particular source. The English word "olive" is derived from the Latin word "Oliva."
- "different from" مختلف عن Not the same as or distinct from something else. This year's school play will be different from the previous years, focusing on a new theme.
- "disappointed with" خائب؛ مَغْبُون من Feeling let down or unsatisfied with something. We were disappointed with our 3rd place finish in the competition.
- "eager for/to" تواق إلى؛ متلهف ل Excited and enthusiastic about something. He is eager to meet you.