تعلم الأفعال المركبة في اللغة الإنجليزية -Set-

"set ahead" means to move forward     يزيد في الساعة
  • This Sunday is daylight savings time so don't forget to set your clocks ahead.

"set against 1" means to oppose something    يعارض
  • He doesn't enjoy eating soup so he was completely set against her making it for dinner.

"set against 2" means to lean or rest something on something else   يضع شيئ بشكل مائل على شيئ ٱخر
  • I set my bicycle against the wall of the store before I went inside to shop.

"set aside 1" means to save something for future use    يذخر
  • My parents started setting aside money for my college education when I was a baby.

"set aside 2" means for someone to ignore a difference of opinion they have with someone else
     يضع جانبا  الخلافات
  • My divorced parents set aside their conflicts with each other on my wedding day.

"set apart" means for something or someone to exhibit qualities that distinguish them from the rest of the group     يميزه عن باقي
  • She is beautiful, smart, and funny and that sets her apart from the rest of the girls I have dated.

"set back 1" means to delay something or someone    أخر، يؤخر
  • Her foot injury set back her training for the marathon for two months.

"set back 2" means the amount of money that is involved in a purchase    يكلف
  • My new tv set me back 1200.00

"set back 3" means to reduce the chances of a desired outcome   ... قلص من  حظوظه،فرص نجاحه
  • The candidate's low pole ratings set him back for the primary election.

"set in" means for something to start or arrive and remain for a period of time   بدأ، حدث و سيستمر لبعض الوقت
  • Luckily, the thunderstorm set in after the baseball game ended.

"set off 1" means for something to be activated.   يطلق الإنذار يفجر قنبلة
  •  The fire alarm set off the sprinkler system so the fire was extinguished quickly.
  • The fireworks display will be set off at 10pm.

"set off 2" means for someone to become angry or upset   يغضب
  • Please don't discuss politics with my father because you will set him off.

"set out (to) 1" means begin something with a particular goal in mind    عزم على، صمم على
  • After she won the school spelling bee, she set out to become the national champion speller.

"set out 2" means to arrange or display something in a particular order   يعرض  منتجات للبيع، سلع
  • The farm stand sets out their vegetables to sell every Wednesday during the summer.

"set up 1" means for someone to be tricked or deceived   يوقع ب  عن طريق خطة، فخ، ألخ
  • When I read the details of the contract I signed, I realized the salesman did not tell me all this information and I feel I was set up.

"set up 2" means to prepare for something   يجهز، يجهز
  • We need to begin setting up for the party at noon tomorrow.

"set up 3" means to form or establish something new in business   يؤسس
  • The corporation was set up from combining the two largest furniture manufacturers in the state.

"set up 4" means for someone to be taken care of financially   يساعد أو يعزز ماديا
  • My parents set me up in this new apartment so I don't have to worry about paying the rent for the first year.

"set up 5" means to be introduced to someone  يعرف شخص على شخض ٱخر، يرتب لقاء أو إجتماع
  • Let's set up a meeting between you and Steve to see if you can work together on the project.
  • My friends set me up with a really sexy girl!

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